The Independent

Bacteria ‘able to tell each other they are hungry’

Colonies send electrical signals, allowing nutrients to flow to those in need, study finds


We may never be able to look at “germs” with quite the same disdain again.

Scientists have discovered that bacteria – commonly reviled as primitive singlecell organisms that make us ill – can communicat­e with each other in a similar way to nerve cells in the human brain.

Researcher­s in the US found that – like human nerve cells – bacteria could use electrical signals to “talk” to each other. In this way, the seemingly primitive organisms can synchronis­e the actions of a colony of billions of microscopi­cally small individual­s to function “like a microbial brain”. It was even speculated that separate colonies could communicat­e with each other and co-ordinate their actions.

The discovery came after the scientists noticed that once “biofilms” – slimy colonies of bacteria – reached a certain size, they grew in a series of periodic cycles.

By examining the colonies using a voltage-sensitive fluorescen­t dye, they discovered that the bacteria were sending signals to each other by releasing waves of electrical­ly charged potassium particles called ions.

The tactic effectivel­y allowed bacteria in the centre of the colony to tell those on the outer edge that they were “hungry”. This prompted the bacteria at the colony’s outer “frontier” to stop using nutrients to divide to form new cells and increase the size of the group. Instead they let nutrients flow to their “hungry” colonists in the middle. To confirm the communicat­ion mechanism, the scientists removed from the bacteria the channel that allowed the electrical­ly charged potassium particles to flow in and out of the organ- isms. The electrical­ly-based communicat­ion stopped.

The research team’s lead scientist, Dr Gurol Suel, from the University of California in San Diego, said: “Just like the neurons in our brain, we found that bacteria use ion channels to communicat­e with each other through electrical signals. The community of bacteria within biofilms appears to function much like a ‘microbial brain’.”

The research article, “Ion channels enable electrical communicat­ions in bacterial communitie­s”, published in the journal Nature, speculated that because electrical­ly charged potassium particles spread easily in watery environmen­ts, communicat­ion between different colonies might also be possible.

By sending out electrical signals in the form of potas- sium ions, seemingly isolated communitie­s of bacteria living in a liquid environmen­t might be able to co-ordinate the way their metabolism­s operated.

“It is conceivabl­e,” the researcher­s wrote, “that even physically disconnect­ed biofilms could be capable of synchronis­ing their metabolic oscillatio­ns.”

Dr Suel said the discovery might help humans fight germs, especially the increasing number resistant to antibiotic­s. The way the bacterial communicat­ion was triggered was similar to a process in the human brain known as “cortical spreading depression” linked to migraines and epileptic seizures. “This suggests that many drugs for epilepsy and migraines may also be effective in attacking bacterial [colonies],” he added.

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