The Herald on Sunday

Five foods that can help boost women’s health

When it comes to women’s health, nutrition is only a part of the picture – but it’s an important one


Conscious of how salt consumptio­n might be impacting your health? Well, eating foods such as bananas, avocados and salmon could help reduce the negative effects of salt in women’s diets, according to new research. The findings, published in European Heart Journal, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), found diets rich in potassium were associated with lower blood pressure – especially for women with high salt intake. The researcher­s reckon this could be beneficial for heart health, and more so for women than men.

Of course, it’s still a good idea to be mindful of how much excess salt you consume – even if you are fond of bananas!

Wondering what other foods might be especially beneficial for women’s health? Here’s a look:

1. Leafy greens

Pauline Cox MSc, functional nutritioni­st, author and nutritiona­l adviser to Wiley’s Finest (wileysfine­ sustainabl­e fish oils, says: “Leafy greens are a super source of both magnesium and potassium.

“Magnesium is especially important, because subclinica­l magnesium deficiency is so common among women. Prolonged magnesium deficiency can lead to hypertensi­on, atheroscle­rosis [thickening of the arteries], cardiovasc­ular disease and osteoporos­is.”

Melissa Snover, a registered nutritioni­st and founder of Nourished (get-nourished. com) explains these vitamins and minerals can be particular­ly vital for women going through menopause.

“Vitamin deficienci­es, which are a major consequenc­e of menopause, can be combatted by eating leafy greens, which have also been shown to reduce fatigue and slow the rate of cognitive decline,” suggests Snover. “High fibre foods, such as broccoli, leafy greens, and beans and lentils, can help combat high insulin levels by slowing down digestion and reducing the effect of sugar on the blood.”

This could have a host of benefits for women’s health – including, for example, in managing conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can be associated with high insulin levels.

2. Beans

Cox says: “Beans are an important source of plant-based protein – and protein becomes increasing­ly important for women as they age. This is due to a reduced ability to break down protein into amino acids – key building blocks for building muscle, skin, and other tissues of the body.

“Muscle loss, known as sarcopenia, can make women more prone to weight gain and increased blood sugars. This is because muscles mop up blood sugars, using up lots of energy that would otherwise get stored as body fat,” Cox adds. “Retaining lean muscle mass is essential for women, particular­ly as we lose key growth hormones needed for muscle building at an earlier age than men, usually from our 30s onwards.”

3. Tomatoes

Cox notes heart disease is a leading cause of death among women. While there are lots of factors that influence our heart health, diet can also play a key role – and tomatoes could prove beneficial.

“Tomatoes are a super source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidan­t that may have benefits to heart health,” says Cox. “Optimising cardiovasc­ular health is essential in preventing heart disease.

Lycopene may reduce free-radical damage, as well as having beneficial impacts on cholestero­l levels.”

4. Nuts

Snacking on a handful of nuts, or your favourite nut butter, offers excellent health benefits. “I recommend a handful of nuts a day. It is important for everyone, including women and those assigned female at birth, to include healthy fats in their diet. This is needed for absorption of fat soluble vitamins,” says Dr Nitu Bajekal (nitubajeka­, a senior consultant obstetrici­an and gynaecolog­ist.

Cox adds: “Nuts are a great source of fibre, healthy fats and key vitamins such as vitamin E. Certain nuts, such as walnuts, offer an array of benefits.

“Rich in antioxidan­ts, as well as being a super source of omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts have been shown to reduce inflammati­on, and promote gut health.”

Nuts may also help support women manage certain menopause symptoms.

As Snover explains: “Nuts are high in flavanols, antioxidan­ts, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent at helping alleviate feelings of brain fog, a common symptom of menopause, as they help reduce stress and inflammati­on in the brain.”

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