The Herald

Minister accused of code breach


A CONSERVATI­VE cabinet minister has been accused of breaching the Ministeria­l Code after appearing to use his Government office in Whitehall to film an antilabour video he then posted on social media.

Welsh Secretary David TC Davies appears in a short film which was shared on X, last week.

In it, he speaks about plans to expand the size of the Welsh Senedd and highlights the Welsh Conservati­ve Party’s opposition to such a move.

In the video dated May 8, Mr Davies said the Welsh Labour government had to decide whether it wanted to spend £120 million of taxpayers’ money on more Senedd members or increase the number of nurses, doctors, dentists and teachers, as the Conservati­ves would do instead.

He adds: “I know which side I am on.”

Labour believe the location of the filming is a breach of the Ministeria­l Code, which states: “Ministers are provided with facilities at Government expense to enable them to carry out their official duties. These facilities should not generally be used for party or constituen­cy activities.”

Shadow Welsh secretary Jo Stevens said: “This behaviour needs to be swept away, along with this clapped-out Conservati­ve Government.

“Under Labour, the Wales Office will once again focus on and deliver for people across Wales.”

In 2023, MP Lee Anderson was rebuked for using a parliament­ary rooftop to film a promotion video for his £100,000-a-year GB News show.

The Serjeant at Arms, who is responsibl­e for upholding order in the Commons, contacted Mr Anderson, who was the Conservati­ve Party deputy chairman at the time but now sits as Reform UK MP, over his Twitter clip to remind him of the rules.

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