The Herald

Alleged child abuse victim: ‘Lord Janner told me I could be next PM’S wife’


VULNERABLE children allegedly abused by the late Lord Janner said they were warned they would be “comprehens­ively disbelieve­d” if they spoke out, an inquiry has heard.

The Independen­t Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse heard testimony from several children – mostly young boys in care homes in Leicester dating back to the 1960s – who claimed they were abused by the former Labour MP, who died awaiting trial for historic sexual offences in 2015.

He denied the allegation­s.

In one case, an alleged victim said she was raped by Lord Janner, who then told her he could ensure she became the next Prime Minister’s wife.

Christophe­r Jacobs, representi­ng some of the complainan­ts, told the inquiry that his clients were abused in care in Leicesters­hire decades ago, and that Lord Janner “was able to act with impunity”.

Mr Jacobs described the ordeal suffered by Tracey Taylor, a complainan­t who has waived her right to anonymity, who was sent to care home as a 14-year-old in the 1970s.

He told the inquiry: “She said she was raped by a man who said his name was Greville Janner, he said he was an MP and that he could make her the next Prime Minister’s wife.

“She has told the police about the abuse, but she has never been believed due to her mental health problems.

“On some occasions, police mocked her statements, calling her Crazy Tracey.”

Tim Betteridge, another complainan­t to waive his anonymity, said he was sexually abused by disgraced care home owner Frank Beck as a teenage boy.

He said he was abused by Lord Janner on two occasions, including once in an allotment and once in a mobile unit.

The inquiry heard Mr Betteridge raised the alarm but was told by staff at the care home that “nobody would believe him because he was just a brat in care”.

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