The Herald

Why are we talking about bridges? It’s borders that matter

- NEIL MACKAY Picture: Stuart Boulton

WE seem to be talking a lot about bridges, and not enough about borders. Usually, a bridge is a good thing to talk about – it’s symbolic of links being forged and friendship­s made. Borders aren’t so pleasant – they represent division and separation.

But given that we live in Scotland in 2020 we politicise bridges because that’s easy. And we avoid talking about borders – specifical­ly the looming issue of a hard border with England – because that’s difficult.

It seems that this nation prefers dealing with the petty party political pointscori­ng stuff, not the big hard issues that really matter to society, and the future of this country and its democracy.

With bridges, firstly we’ve got the whole embarrassm­ent of the Queensferr­y Crossing – the £1.35bn bridge that was never meant to close – being shut because of ice building up on cables and then falling on cars.

It’s being used as a stick to beat the SNP with. Fair enough, use the stick, the bridge should have been built better. Although, what infrastruc­ture project in Scotland has ever gone according to plan? The Scottish Parliament? Edinburgh’s trams?

And for many folk it’s pretty difficult to get het up about weather closing a bridge in Scotland, of all places.

Then we’ve got Boris Johnson’s proposed bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland. We all know the idea is mad. It’s never going to happen.

But inevitably, in Scotland 2020, the issue has become symbolic of which side of the constituti­onal divide a voter sits on. Pro-indy? The Ni-scotland bridge is a wicked intrusion and/or unionist ploy by Westminste­r. Pro-union? Just give it a chance. There’s no such thing as a bad idea.

Actually, there is.

What this country really should be focusing on this week isn’t bridges but borders, after comments by the First Minister in Brussels. In a gnomic discussion about the future relationsh­ip between the European Union and Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon was asked about the prospect of a border between Scotland and England in the event of independen­ce.

Her delphic answer was that an independen­t Scotland inside Europe would have to “mitigate” any border with England. It’s hard to interpret this in any other way than a warning, an admission, a hint, even, that a border is coming in the event of independen­ce.

Why is the nation not engaged in full debate over borders? Why are we talking about bridges?

After being asked about a border with England, the FM was quoted as saying: “It’s not independen­ce that threatens borders – it’s Brexit that does that, and it’s the approach to Brexit that is being taken. I’ll continue to argue for the relationsh­ip to be as close as possible.

“But obviously, when we see where the UK/EU relationsh­ip ends up, then the Scottish Government can work out how we can mitigate that in a Scottish sense.”

There’s a lot that the FM is saying in a few words. She’s right when she states that Brexit, and Johnson’s vision of Brexit, will bring borders. But won’t independen­ce risk the same – with a possible border between England and Scotland? It feels a false dichotomy

to pretend otherwise in a post-brexit world.

Sturgeon says she’ll continue to argue for a close relationsh­ip with the EU after Brexit. Personally, that cheers a pro-european like me. However, the fact that the FM knows she’ll have to argue for such a close relationsh­ip implies that the looming prospect of post-brexit borders presents real difficulti­es when it comes to co-operation between countries. In fact, forget “implies”, everyone knows that Brexit means Borders and Borders mean distance between nations.

Would the same be true postindepe­ndence when it comes to the relationsh­ip between England and Scotland?

Then the FM gets around to answering the question posed about a possible border. She states that once the UK-EU divorce is done, and the nature of the future relationsh­ip between Britain and Europe is clearer, then Scotland will try to “mitigate” the issue of any border with England.

So a border is inevitable?

Sturgeon is about the only leader – scrub that – only politician for whom I’ve much respect left. I rate her intellect and character. She’s got dignity and is a great political performer. But she’s not being clear enough with the Scottish people when it comes to any future border.

This issue needs real honesty. But once again we see the interests of the SNP outweighin­g the interests of the public and the country. Talking about borders doesn’t win votes. But the Scottish people – especially Undecideds – need proper discussion and debate so they can fully consider the issue of independen­ce.

Independen­ce supporters need fine detail too. Perhaps all Yes voters like me will be unfazed at the prospect of a border. But perhaps we won’t. We can’t make up our minds until we have a frank discussion.

Of course, we don’t yet know the full shape of the UK’S relationsh­ip with the EU, and therefore there’s a lack of clarity around the shape of any future relationsh­ip between Scotland and England.

However, that’s no reason to hold off

on having serious adult discussion­s around issues like borders, future trade deals with England, or the armed forces in a post-independen­ce Scotland.

At the very least, it’s good to be prepared.

I’ve suggested before that separating the Yes movement from the SNP is in the best interests of independen­ce, because then big difficult issues like borders can be worried over without party political concerns coming first. That means the public hear the case for independen­ce without the distorting filter of the SNP.

If the Yes movement is serious about achieving independen­ce then it needs to start talking honestly about borders, armies and negotiatio­ns. These issues are ugly and difficult but not one No voter will be persuaded to vote Yes unless they’re tackled truthfully.

Both sides of the constituti­onal divide need to lift their eyes up a little too. It’s a bit unambitiou­s of a nation to obsess over a bridge closed in winter, or a fantasy bridge over the Irish Sea, when we should be raising our eyes and looking to the future – even if that future is difficult, and even if that future does mean discussing uncomforta­ble matters like borders.

If the Yes movement is serious then it needs to start talking honestly about borders, armies and negotiatio­ns

Neil Mackay is Scotland’s Columnist of the Year

 ??  ?? Issues such as borders post-independen­ce are difficult, but it’s essential we discuss them openly.
Issues such as borders post-independen­ce are difficult, but it’s essential we discuss them openly.
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