The Herald

May plea to EU for deal:


THERESA May has appealed to Brussels not to derail the Brexit talks over the Irish border issue as she insisted that a deal with the EU was still achievable even though negotiatio­ns might run on into December.

In a Commons statement, the Prime Minister called for cool, calm heads to prevail, saying she did not believe the UK and the EU were far apart but expressed frustratio­n that virtually all the remaining points of disagreeme­nt centred on the so-called “backstop”.

She told MPS: “We cannot let this disagreeme­nt derail the prospects of a good deal and leave us with the no-deal outcome that no-one wants. I continue to believe that a negotiated deal is the best outcome for the UK and for the European Union. I continue to believe that such a deal is achievable.”

Mrs May was addressing the Commons just two days before she travels to Brussels for a summit at which it had initially been hoped she would finalise the UK’S withdrawal agreement as well as a political declaratio­n on future trade and security relations.

Following the failure to achieve a breakthrou­gh on Sunday, the European Commission confirmed that no further negotiatio­ns would be held ahead of Thursday’s summit.

It was still unclear when the PM would make her Brexit presentati­on to her fellow leaders as it is expected that she will not attend the pre-summit EU27 dinner tomorrow evening.

Last night, the PM was due to talk to Emmanuel Macron, the French President, and is likely to talk to more EU counterpar­ts before she heads off to the Belgian capital tomorrow.

Donald Tusk, the European Council President, tweeted: “It always seems impossible until it’s done. Let us not give up.”

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, said the prospect of an agreement “looks a bit more difficult again”, adding: “If it doesn’t work out this week, we must continue negotiatin­g, that is clear. But time is pressing.”

Talks at the weekend foundered over the EU’S demand for a backstop to the backstop designed to ensure that the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic remains open under any circumstan­ces.

Mrs May has offered to keep the whole of the UK temporaril­y in a customs union with the EU until a broader trade deal is in place, avoiding the need for customs and regulatory checks at the Irish border.

Yet, Mr Barnier insisted that a carve-out keeping Northern Ireland alone in the EU’S customs area should remain available in case the Uk-wide arrangemen­t lapsed before the trade deal was finalised.

However, the PM told MPS that this was not acceptable as it risked underminin­g the integrity of the UK.

“They want this to be the Northern Ireland only solution that they had previously proposed. We have been clear we cannot agree to anything that threatens the integrity of our United Kingdom,” she declared to

Conservati­ve cheers.

Jeremy Corbyn said MPS had been presented with another “Groundhog Day” moment, dismissing Mrs May’s comments as “another ‘nothing has changed’ moment from this shambles of a Government”.

The Labour leader insisted the UK and EU should negotiate a “permanent customs union” to protect jobs and manufactur­ing.

But Boris Johnson, the former Foreign Secretary, hit back, saying that, by backing a customs union, Mr Corbyn was guilty of a “shameless U-turn and a betrayal of millions of people who voted Leave”.

Peter Grant for the SNP urged Mrs May to commit to a “damage-limitation Brexit” and accept there was a significan­t consensus for staying in the single market and customs union.

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