The Herald

Six questions ...


What countries have you most enjoyed travelling to, for business or leisure, and why?

For leisure it has to be the Caribbean, specifical­ly Saint Lucia, Nevis and Montserrat. Each island in the Caribbean has its own character, the people are incredibly friendly and we just feel relaxed as soon as we get off the plane.

When you were a child, what was your ideal job? Why did it appeal?

Anything to do with food. I loved trying to create new things and loved home economics at school, but a very good careers guidance teacher talked me out of that as a career.

What was your biggest break in business?

Finding Skyscanner when I did. It introduced me to the world of start-ups and showed me the potential. It got me re-energised in the whole IT side of things.

What was your worst moment in business?

I worked for a large global corporatio­n and felt frustrated by the bureaucrac­y. Actually getting things done was a nightmare, having to jump through hoops with everything taking forever.

Who do you most admire and why?

This changes, but now I am going to say Luke Johnson (my current boss) for his enthusiasm, his passion, his drive, and ability to bring people with him and drive the company forward. I also admire Brendan Rogers because he’s the manager of Celtic but also for his overall demeanour.

What book are you reading and what music are you listening to? What was the last film you saw? I have just finished reading Christmas at The Grange: A Lady Hardcastle Mystery by T E Kinsey. This morning I listened to a mixed playlist which included Thin Lizzy, Gregory Porter, and George Michael. The last concert I went to was a performanc­e of Mozart’s Requiem in Winchester Catherdral. The last film I saw was Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

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