The Herald

Barnier warns Brexit transition deal with the EU is ‘not a given’


BRITAIN could be denied a transition period to smooth over its exit from the European Union if deep divisions between the two sides are not cleared up, it has been warned,

Michel Barnier, Brussels’ chief Brexit negotiator, warned the two-year period requested by Theresa May was not a given – and insisted time was running out on securing a deal.

It comes as it emerged the UK Government spent almost £1,000 hand-delivering the Article 50 letter declaring the UK’S intention to leave the EU last year.

Two civil servants travelled to Brussels using business-class train tickets costing £491.50 each – despite claims the letter could simply have been sent by email.

Mr Barnier said three “substantia­l” disagreeme­nts remain over the transition, expected to last around two years after withdrawal in March 2019.

Speaking after the latest round of talks in Brussels, he said he was surprised by the UK’S stance and insisted it had to accept the ineluctabl­e consequenc­es of its own decision to quit the EU.

He warned there would undoubtedl­y be a problem if a breakthrou­gh is not made, adding: “To be quite frank, if these disagreeme­nts persist, the transition is not a given. Time is short – very short – and we haven’t a minute to lose if we want to succeed.”

Mr Barnier also warned that checks at the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic will be unavoidabl­e under current plans for the UK to leave the single market and customs union.

He confirmed Brussels was currently working to legally define the arrangemen­ts that would need to be put in place to avoid a hard border, and said no proposals had so far come from London.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon insisted that if Northern Ireland stayed in the single market, the case for Scotland also doing so becomes a practical necessity. She added: “Otherwise we will be at a massive relative disadvanta­ge when it comes to attracting jobs and investment.”

Mr Barnier’s comments came after Brussels published a position paper that included a plan to restrict access to the single market if the UK fails to comply with the terms of the transition. The document provoked fury from UK Brexit Secretary Davis, who branded it discourteo­us and unwise. But Mr Barnier said he could not understand the uproar.

He said: “There is no wish whatsoever to punish. We are trying to draft an internatio­nal agreement on a solid basis that can be effectivel­y implemente­d.”

He said the two sides were at loggerhead­s over the rights of EU nationals during the transition period.

The UK is also demanding the right to object to new rules imposed on it during the two-year period – while also seeking to continue participat­ing in the developmen­t of new justice and home affairs policies, Mr Barnier said. He insisted the EU’S position was very logical, but Mr Davis accused Brussels of trying to have it both ways over the transition.

Costs released under Freedom of Informatio­n show the two officials asked with hand-deliver Article 50 travelled using the most expensive passenger ticket offered on regular Eurostar services. Standard tickets typically cost just £89-£159 each way.

Business Premier includes “hot meals designed by Raymond Blanc, served with champagne”, along with spacious seats and use of an exclusive lounge.

The terms of Article 50 of the EU treaties state only that a country wishing to leave the EU is required to “notify the European Council of its intention”, and it is understood that this could have been done by email.

Meanwhile, around 70 Tory MPS were named by the website Buzzfeed as supporters of the European Research Group (ERG), an informal alliance of Euroscepti­cs putting pressure on Mrs May to pursue a hard Brexit.

One of those named – Andrew Bowie, the Remain-voting Tory MP for West Aberdeensh­ire and Kincardine –said he had been surprised to be outed as an ERG member.

He said: “The group is just a forum where people have been on talking about Brexit.”

We haven’t a minute to lose if we want to succeed

 ??  ?? „ European Union chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier addresses the media in Brussels, where he said the EU was not trying to punish the UK.
„ European Union chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier addresses the media in Brussels, where he said the EU was not trying to punish the UK.

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