The Herald

Sturgeon asks Tories: How can you sleep at night

Minister’s quit hint Clegg in train crash


RUTH Davidson has come under sustained attack for supporting the so-called “rape clause” in the final TV debate before the election, as she was asked: “How do Tories sleep at night?”

The Scottish Tory leader was criticised by the leaders of the three other main parties in the cross-examinatio­n section of STV’s Scotland Debates programme from Glasgow’s Tron Theatre.

The clause is a consequenc­e of the UK Government’s policy to cap child tax credits at two children per family since April unless there are exceptiona­l circumstan­ces, such as a third or later child being born because of rape or during a coercive relationsh­ip.

Rape victims who wish to claim the extra benefit must help fill in an eight-page form and name the child born as a result of their assault, and relate their ordeal to health workers.

Critics say the clause is “abhorrent” and unacceptab­le in a civilised society.

Questionin­g Ms Davidson, Nicola Sturgeon said many people had been “appalled” by the policy, which she said would save £300 million from the benefits bill while the Tories gave a £380m tax cut to the country’s richest 15 per cent and a £300m tax cut to the banks. She said: “How do Tories sleep at night? You could use that money that is going to the richest to get rid of that two-child tax cap and the rape clause.

“Why don’t you ask your bosses in Westminste­r to make that choice and remove the rape clause once and for all?”

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale held up the form which must be completed by rape victims, highlighti­ng the section where children conceived in a rape must be named.

She told Ms Davidson: “Rape is one of the most emotionall­y and physically scarring experience­s a woman can go through. How on earth can you justify asking a woman to fill in a form just to get the money she needs to feed her family?”

Ms Dugdale referred to the personal testimony from a rape victim which she had read out in Holyrood last month during a debate on the rape clause.

“You heard me describe the shame she would have felt if she had had to fill out this form. Your Tory party is just as callous and With so much at stake both in Scotland and the UK, there has surely never been a more important time to use your vote. Leader Comment: heartless as it has always been, is it not? This woman got back in touch with me to say she thinks the rape clause is unfit for a civilised society.”

Ms Davidson said the money being saved would be spent on the NHS and the rape clause was designed to help women who had been raped get extra help.

She said: “This is about ensuring that people who have had children in the very worst of circumstan­ces get extra help.

“This is about limiting child tax credits to the first two children, but it means that for example people who have been raped aren’t affected by that. It means they get to have that extra help.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie then asked Ms Davidson if every Tory MP elected from Scotland would defend the rape clause at Westminste­r: “Is that their job?”

Ms Davidson said the legislatio­n had already been decided in 2015. “We’re making sure there is extra help available,” she said.

Mr Rennie said there was “no way” his party would ever defend the measure.

 ??  ?? KEZIA DUGDALE: Highlighte­d form to be completed by rape victims.
KEZIA DUGDALE: Highlighte­d form to be completed by rape victims.
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