The Herald

Footballer tells rape trial woman was ‘flirty’


A FOOTBALLER accused of raping a woman has told a court they had been flirting and kissing earlier during a night out.

David Robertson said he thought it was obvious the woman was attracted to him and he was attracted to her.

Mr Robertson, 30, said he was given a key to a flat in Armadale, West Lothian, by a friend during an evening out at a pub and club in nearby Bathgate.

He said the intention was to go back to the house to continue the night out with his then Dundee United teammate David Goodwillie, the woman and a female friend who was out with her.

He said he and the woman had been “flirty and kissing” during the evening and said: “My understand­ing was that things would progress and probably lead to sex.”

The 30-year-old woman is suing Goodwillie, 27, now a footballer with Plymouth Argyle, and Mr Robertson for damages after raising a £500,000 action against them.

It is alleged that they raped the woman in the early hours of January 2, 2011, at the flat in Armadale.

Both men deny the allegation and maintain that intercours­e that occurred was consensual.

Neither prosecuted.

In the action the woman claims that she was incapable because of the effect of alcohol of giving free agreement at the time sex took place.

The hearing before Lord Armstrong continues. man was

 ??  ?? DAVID GOODWILLIE: Now signed with Plymouth Argyle.
DAVID GOODWILLIE: Now signed with Plymouth Argyle.

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