The Herald

Double standards north of the Border on third runway at Heathrow


DOUBLE standards rule, it seems, on what can and cannot be said about Scottish issues from down south.

As one of many Scots living around Heathrow, I am less than amused that, while many in Scotland rightly throw their arms up in the air when London politician­s spout off about matters they know little of north of the Border, it is fine for the Edinburgh’s elected elite to throw their voices south.

When it comes to a third runway for Heathrow, which if it goes ahead will have a huge effect on millions in the south-east of England who will suffer more aircraft noise and pollution all day, every day, every year, then the SNP and the endangered species of Tory, David Mundell, feel free to insist that it must happen.

So much for independen­tly expanding Glasgow, Edinburgh or even the SNP’s own airport, Prestwick.

Mr Mundell represents one constituen­cy in Scotland yet sits on the airport sub-committee. That in itself is a joke.

“Arrogance” would be the cry in Scotland if the Government in London decided to bury nuclear waste in Argyll, insisted that a new nuclear power station be built on the Firth of Forth or insisted that fracking must be allowed under Edinburgh. The uproar would be righteous. Or imagine if Whitehall allowed wind farms to be planted all over Scotland, including the Holy Isle, thus disfigurin­g great views.

Oh wait, the SNP has already allowed that.

I have a thought on that but, if I voice it, those who told me before the referendum that I had no opinion as I now lived in England will be upset.

Oh, here comes another Heathrow flight from the second runway. Time to go. Bob McKenzie, Cheapside Road, Cheapside, Berkshire.

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