The Herald

Opera strikes a chord at a ‘very fine’ newly set up concert hall

Convincing quartet hit all the right notes in classic


Perth Festival

La Boheme

Perth Concert Hall

Keith Bruce

THE arrival in Scotland of His Purpleness Prince Nelson Rodgers last May meant I missed the unveiling of Perth’s hall in its opera configurat­ion, so may I belatedly add my voice to the chorus suggesting that it should welcome more production­s than the annual visit of English Touring Opera for the Perth Festival.

With the false proscenium arch created for the panto as well as the previously unseen pit, this is a very fine small house indeed, and the balance between singers and orchestras allowed Conductor Michael Roswell to uncover the fine detail in Puccini’s score, particular­ly from flute and harp.

With local children from Oakbank Primary Choir adding their voices to a quality chorus, this is a very well sung Boheme that also excels in characteri­sation from the start. Marcello, Rodolfo, Colline and Schaunard are a convincing quartet of flatmates that could easily be imagined in a modern television comedy and the fiesty relationsh­ip between Marcello (Grant Doyle) and Musetta (Sky Ingram) and the tormented one between Rodolfo (David Butt Philip) and Mimi (Ilona Domnich) both ring contempora­neously true.

Njabulo Madlala (Schaunard the musician) and Matthew Stiff (Colline the philosophe­r) make the most of their moments in the spotlight too.

Designer Florence de Mare has given director James Conway a clever, adaptable set in which a titled mirrored wall serves multiple purposes (cleverly lit by Mark Howland), an emblematic hot-air balloon basket metamorpho­ses into a puppeteer’s booth, and changes of location are accomplish­ed by the swift re-arrangemen­t of just a few elements. This is a very compact, touring Boheme that never feels small.

Of course, it is those famous big arias that are still the main attraction, and the production’s greatest asset is once again the vocal quality of the predominan­tly young cast that ETO has assembled.

Russian soprano Ilona Domnich is a company favourite, and is in her element here, but it is tenor David Butt Philip, who sang the same role of her lover Rodolfo at ENO last year, who takes the laurels amongst a top team.

 ??  ?? STILL A POWERFUL TALE: The English Touring Opera gave another quality performanc­e of La Boheme.
STILL A POWERFUL TALE: The English Touring Opera gave another quality performanc­e of La Boheme.
 ??  ?? ROUSING: The big arias again proved the opera’s top asset.
ROUSING: The big arias again proved the opera’s top asset.

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