The Herald

Hidden consequenc­e of urban land-grab


PLANS to give urban communitie­s a right to buy land may backfire because of the complexity of the proposed changes to the law, it has been claimed.

The Community Empowermen­t (Scotland) Bill amends land reform legislatio­n by allowing bodies to register an interest in respect of not only rural land, but also land in towns and cities.

Alan McCreadie, secretary to the Law Society’s planning committee, welcomed the intention behind the bill, but warned of unintended consequenc­es.

“What would happen if a community registered its interest in urban land which is already subject to a redevelopm­ent proposal?

“While Scottish Ministers could decide that registra- tion is not in the public interest, the uncertaint­y could have an adverse impact on investment decisions for developers.”

He said the land reform legislatio­n had benefited people in Scotland’s rural communitie­s and the society would want to ensure the same kind of success in our towns and cities.

The society also highlighte­d the procedure for registerin­g community interest in abandoned or neglected land, undefined in the bill, was similar to Compulsory Purchase and “there should therefore be a requiremen­t for a viable business plan and robust developmen­t proposals.

Mr McCreadie said it may be advisable to set up a central body to steer community bodies through the bill.

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