The Football League Paper

team mates

- Yan Dhanda

Best mate?

Bersant Celina – we joined at the same time and we’re a similar age. He was at Manchester City Academy and I was at Liverpool so we knew each other there, and we hang out together away from football. Our girlfriend­s are close friends as well, so I guess we’re pretty much together every minute of the day!

Last to buy dinner?

I actually don’t know – we don’t really do team dinners and there’s no one in general who I could say is the least likely to get their wallet out. But I’ll certainly be keeping an eye on who’s tight and pull them up on it if needs be!

Worst dressed?

I’d probably say Wayne Routledge, but that’s only because I wouldn’t wear what he wears – it’s just not really my style! He’s probably not the worst dressed in his opinion but it’s a different style to mine, so that’s good enough to make the cut for me!

Dressing room DJ?

Sometimes George Byers takes the reins but on other occasions it’s Bersant Celina – it all depends on what the lads want to hear. George will play more house music but Bersant is more R&B, so I prefer Bersant’s music to be fair, though it usually depends on the day and where we are.

Always late for training?

No one’s really late for training and we’re quite good here to be fair, so I guess we’re a pretty punctual bunch. Now I’ve said that, we’ll probably have everyone turning up late!

Teacher’s pet?

I’d probably say Matt Grimes is the teacher’s pet but only because he’s captain – he speaks to the manager quite a bit, but I guess he kind of has to. He doesn’t get any stick for that though – I think he gets let off because he is the captain, but he’ll have to be careful not to take it too far!

First on the dancefloor?

Believe it or not, Nathan Dyer is a good dancer so I’d probably have to say him – he’s got all sorts of moves! If you name a dance move, he’ll do it, and if you can boast that then you might as well be the first one up.

Most likely to disgrace themselves at the Christmas party?

I think Ben Cabango is a bit of a loose cannon so he could do something stupid – he just lets himself go a bit too much. I can’t think of any recent examples, but he can get a little bit giddy so you have to watch out.

Best at FIFA?

I’d probably say myself actually – I’m quite good at FIFA to be fair! We play on the coach to matches, and I beat Borja Baston quite often. He’s beaten me a few times, but on games I’m up at the moment.

Worst tattoo?

Courtney Baker-Richardson has just got one on his neck, so I’ll say him. I think his recent one is a lion, and I guess it’s alright but it’s just that I probably wouldn’t get one on my neck myself.

Best future manager?

Wayne Routledge is the best future manager for definite – I’m not sure if it’s something he wants to go into, but whenever I need advice or someone to talk to, I find myself speaking to him, so I think he’d be a good manager in the years to come.

 ??  ?? Wayne Routledge
Wayne Routledge
 ??  ?? Bersant Celina
Bersant Celina
 ??  ??

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