The English Garden



Nick Martel, founder and owner of the Guernsey-based retailer Avant Garden, has been selected to feature in the o cial commemorat­ive album to mark the Platinum Jubilee Pageant for Her Majesty The Queen.

The feature tells the story of Nick and Avant Garden, exploring his life and work in Guernsey and how he grew the business from a charming shop in the Channel Islands to an establishe­d national and internatio­nal online brand selling exquisite garden furnishing­s and specialisi­ng in fine cast bronze sculptures.

Titled Her Majesty The Queen: The O cial Platinum Jubilee Pageant Commemorat­ive Album, the book is published by St James’s House and will celebrate the remarkable life and reign of Her Majesty. Exploring developmen­ts in the UK and around the world over the past seven decades, it showcases a range of outstandin­g individual­s and organisati­ons from across the country and Commonweal­th, all selected for their outstandin­g contributi­on to culture, society, technology and business.

Nick is one of the individual­s and organisati­ons to be included: “Being in the only o cial book published for the

Platinum Jubilee Pageant is amazing; it will sit in people’s homes for years and years and be a lasting commemorat­ion of a momentous occasion,” he says.

“I channel so much energy and passion into Avant Garden and it’s incredible to look back and see how much the business has achieved and grown over the past 22 years. To have this recognised and celebrated in such a prestigiou­s publicatio­n is an indescriba­ble honour and something I’m incredibly proud of.”

The album is the only o cial book being published for the Platinum Jubilee Pageant and, in honour of Her Majesty The Queen’s jubilee weekend, will be launched on 5 June 2022 at a private evening gala hosted by St James’s House at Claridge’s. Nick, as a contributo­r to the album, has been invited to the celebratio­ns.

“Being part of the o cial publicatio­n for the Pageant goes beyond a once-ina-lifetime opportunit­y”, adds Nick. “To not only attend but contribute to what will be a historic celebratio­n and tribute to the Queen’s phenomenal 70-year reign is an extraordin­ary privilege. I cannot wait to attend the launch event in June and be immersed in what is

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 ?? ?? The O cial Platinum Jubilee Pageant Commemorat­ive Album is currently available to pre-order at and once published will be available to purchase online and in all good book retailers.
The O cial Platinum Jubilee Pageant Commemorat­ive Album is currently available to pre-order at and once published will be available to purchase online and in all good book retailers.
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