The Daily Telegraph

Families caught in the Covid jab divide

Some teens born around the discredite­d MMR scare face a new hurdle: their parents. By

- Lauren Shirreff

For most in the UK, getting vaccinated against Covid was a no-brainer. But for Hannah, an 18-year-old student, even mentioning it to her family is contentiou­s. “It’s just easier to avoid rocking the boat,” she explains of her parents, who first became sceptical about vaccines in the wake of now-discredite­d MMR safety concerns two decades ago. “I definitely want to wait until I’ve moved away from home to make a decision.”

The to-ing and fro-ing over 12 to 17-year-olds being jabbed – and whether children be able to overrule their parents, should their views differ – has brought hesitancy and its role in family fallouts to the fore. Until now, vaccine scepticism in the UK has been a largely silent phenomenon, contained in private conversati­ons between like-minded friends or relegated to dark corners of the internet. In the absence of open discussion, parents with legitimate queries about the safety of vaccines have been shut down as ignorant or uneducated. Many people have assumed that anti-vax views are an “American thing”, or that they can only

‘If I got the vaccine, it would definitely cause problems with my mum and dad’

be held by 5G-fearing conspiracy theorists.

Yet often anti-vaxxers are those who were sucked into the now-debunked research by British academic Andrew Wakefield, who linked the combinatio­n MMR jab to autism in young children in 1998. Medical journal The Lancet officially retracted the original research paper that linked the MMR jab to autism 12 years later, but Wakefield has continued to attack the combined jab ever since, and remains an icon of the worldwide anti-vax “movement”.

Hannah received her MMR jab in early childhood, but as the anti-vax movement in the UK continued to grow, and internet use proliferat­ed, her parents took to reading about the potential for vaccine side effects online. When she was 12, her parents withdrew their consent for her to get her HPV jab at school. She remembers feeling angry and confused at the time as she watched most of her classmates receive their jabs, but now, “I feel like their reasoning was justified,” she says. “Some of the side effects other girls had experience­d – like paralysis – were really scary. I see why they didn’t want to take that risk, however small it was.”

Dylan was born in 2000, and his parents were similarly concerned by Wakefield’s research. They paid for him to be vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella separately at a private clinic after reading about possible side-effects in a local newspaper. At the same time, many other parents were choosing not to have their children vaccinated against these diseases at all – vaccinatio­n rates in the UK dropped by more than 10 per cent after Wakefield’s study was published.

That scepticism has not abated. Sixty five per cent of 18 to 25-year-olds had come forward to get their first jabs, compared to 86 per cent of over-fifties. For many, this is not the result of youth idleness but fear of upsetting their parents.

Where the children of anti-vaxxers don’t entirely share their families’ views, they worry about the conflict that getting their jabs could cause.

That’s the case for Hannah, who is “thinking about getting the jab soon because it’s now nearly mandatory for travel and large events.” Indeed now that vaccines are set to become a condition on young people’s new freedoms – two jabs will soon be needed not only for nightclubs and holidays to Ibiza, but to attend some university’s lectures or live in halls – worries for the young and unjabbed have become far greater. Their health may be at minimal risk, but what about their social lives and education?

Hannah knows her thinking on vaccines makes her an outlier; while

she has “never been picked on or alienated for my views on vaccines... most of my friends strongly disagree with the way I feel and will express it. Some people see me as a victim and describe my parents’ decisions as abusive, which I don’t agree with. They have only ever acted out of love and concern for my health.”

People think her parents have “indoctrina­ted me because I didn’t get jabbed for everything the minute I became an adult. It’s hard to explain the apprehensi­on I feel about vaccines. If I did get my Covid jab it would definitely cause problems in my relationsh­ip with my parents as they are very set in their views, but this is my decision and not theirs.” She is currently researchin­g vaccines she might want to get in future, and says she “definitely want[s] to get my tetanus jab, and it seems safe, but I need more time to think about the others.”

Like Hannah, Ellie, 20, from London, didn’t get her HPV vaccine at school. Neither did about half of her classmates, with their parents hesitant to give their permission as the jab had only just been rolled out for mass use.

“My parents’ hesitancy came from the fact that most vaccine trials are done on young healthy men and rarely on girls or women,” Ellie recalls. “We don’t understand why some vaccines cause much more severe side effects in women and girls than in men.”

Has the threat of vaccine passports made her change her mind?

“I’m not going to have it until there’s more research done into the effects on women and fertility. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and neither are my parents. We just want to understand what’s going into our bodies. As with all vaccines, the more data you have the better.

“I understand that this will make it more difficult for me to travel and do other things I enjoy, but I don’t want to make a medical decision for nonmedical reasons.”

Ellie arranged to have her MMR vaccine just before starting university, to limit the chance that serious illness might disrupt her degree. Seeing that she had done her own research into the MMR jab and its possible side effects, Ellie’s parents were happy with her choice, but they remain glad that she got her MMR jab as an adult, rather than as a young child. Her parents would support her if she did choose to get her Covid jabs, she says, but they haven’t been vaccinated themselves owing to a lack of data on the long-term effects. “They said I should avoid the vaccine, but I came to the same conclusion independen­tly before they did.” Many of Ellie’s friends have been vaccinated, but this hasn’t influenced her decision.

Other families have changed their vaccine theories completely. Dylan, 21, is vaccinated, as is his whole family, who he says quickly abandoned their anti-vax views when Wakefield’s research was revealed as fraudulent in 2004. His parents now admit their former views on vaccines were wrong.

“Since that small blip, my entire upbringing has been very pro-vaccine, and I think that’s the right perspectiv­e,” he says. “I’ve had my first Covid jab – my parents are double-jabbed and completely back the rollout.”

Seeing Wakefield’s research disproven “makes me feel even more confident in the fact that vaccines are safe. Besides, the risk of side-effects is very small. As a young person getting vaccinated is the morally right thing to do, so that we can reach the herd immunity threshold and get out of the pandemic,” he believes. “I’d encourage anyone who can to do it.”

*All names have been changed

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 ??  ?? Concerns over the combined MMR jab were officially debunked two decades ago
Concerns over the combined MMR jab were officially debunked two decades ago
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