The Daily Telegraph

The Government wants to throw billions at health and social care with no guaranteed outcome


sir – Allison Pearson (Comment, September 8) argues that failing to guarantee the elderly a dignified old age is un-conservati­ve. The problem with the Government’s proposals is that they offer no such guarantee.

The Government is not presenting a plan – only money. It is not clear how this money will be used to increase capacity in either the GP system or the care system. I have no doubt that vast quantities of cash will be wasted and outcomes will improve only marginally – if at all.

For the cost of the National Insurance rise, we could fund private medical insurance for nearly every adult in the country. Judging by recent letters, there is more spare capacity in the private sector than in the NHS. Instead of spraying money at yet more state largesse, why not put it (if it must be raised) towards helping people use the private sector where capacity exists? Iwan Price-evans

Croydon, Surrey

sir – Boris Johnson has broken his promises on National Insurance and income tax. We are going to spend, spend, spend on the unreformed NHS and underdevel­oped social services, having spent, spent, spent on Covid.

When will reality kick in? Michael Bird


sir – Here we go again – another Conservati­ve government, devoid of common sense, which heeds the views of focus groups rather than those of its natural supporters and elected representa­tives.

Christophe­r Gill

MP for Ludlow, 1987-2001 Aberdovey, Merioneths­hire

sir – Camilla Tominey (“We have just witnessed the PM sound the death knell for Conservati­sm”, Analysis, September 8) is wrong.

The Prime Minister has shown great leadership and proved once and for all that the NHS is no longer the Labour Party’s province. Had a third world war broken out after the 2019 election, manifesto pledges would have had to be reviewed. In case anyone hasn’t noticed, we have just had a world war with an invisible enemy: Covid.

The Government has done a remarkable job in helping businesses with VAT and tax holidays, and supporting millions of people with the furlough scheme. As a longstandi­ng Conservati­ve Party member, I fully endorse Boris Johnson and his Cabinet for doing what is clearly necessary with these small tax increases. Jonathan Levenson

Minehead, Somerset

sir – The complaint that a younger generation is now to pay for the healthcare of older generation­s perhaps ignores the fact that all long-term projects have to start somewhere, and the current pensioners paid considerab­ly higher rates of tax in their earning lifetimes. Ralph Ellerton


sir – The rise in NI contributi­ons is effectivel­y a pay cut for employees. Surely NHS staff and all key workers who have battled tirelessly to save lives, keep our shops open and bins emptied should be exempt from this otherwise essential tax increase. Nigel Lines

Ferndown, Dorset

sir – I have no problem in principle with raising taxes to fund social care.

However, council tax bills were increased a year or two ago by 3 per cent, the extra funding being ringfenced specifical­ly for this purpose.

My council tax bill now shows a 3 per cent “social care charge” of £287.37, described as a “precept to fund adult social care”. Are we paying twice? David Smith

Chew Stoke, Somerset

sir – Does anyone know who is responsibl­e for administer­ing the huge sum of money raised by Captain Sir Tom Moore, intended for the NHS? June Dunn

Cirenceste­r, Gloucester­shire

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