The Daily Telegraph

Art with an agenda


sir – It is nonsense for Gabriele Finaldi, the director of the National Gallery, to claim that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement “has changed the climate so that silence was now perceived as being complicit” (report, November 4). Things are only seen in that way by BLM and inside a small bubble of the chattering classes, not by the vast majority of Britons.

Anyway, in what would the National Gallery be complicit? In supporting slavery? Absurd.

There will always be angry, singleissu­e movements claiming that if you are not with them, you are against them. Such claims are baseless.

The BLM movement is nakedly political and, if people like Dr Finaldi submit to the wishes of voluble extremist groups like this, they betray their positions of responsibi­lity.

Their complicity will not be in some imagined genuflecti­on to slavery, but in bending the knee to BLM’S Marxist, anti-capitalist agenda and the violence of too many of its supporters. Gregory Shenkman

London W8

sir – There is no chance of halting the “Leftwards drift of the upper middle classes” (Comment, November 4) until we acknowledg­e the extent to which arts and heritage bodies have been politicise­d by their administra­tors.

An arts administra­tive caste has for decades substitute­d social engineerin­g and the imposition of quotas for a due recognitio­n that, in the arts, quality and merit alone are of the essence.

Any attempted reforms that do not start with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport will fail. Michael Daley

Director, Artwatch UK

Barnet, Hertfordsh­ire

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