The Daily Telegraph

Plastic straws to be kept under the counter


PLASTIC straws and stirrers will be available to some customers if they are under the counter in bars, restaurant­s and pubs, despite an England-wide ban that comes into force today.

The ban is aiming to reduce the estimated 4.7 billion plastic straws, 316 million stirrers and 1.8 billion plastic stemmed cotton buds used in England every year, many of which find their way into the sea. It was first mooted in March 2018 by Michael Gove, the then environmen­t secretary, in an interview with The Daily Telegraph’s Chopper’s Brexit Podcast.

It was due to come into force in April in England but was delayed as the Government grappled with the effects of coronaviru­s.

George Eustice, the Environmen­t Secretary, said: “Single-use plastics cause real devastatio­n to the environmen­t and this government is firmly committed to tackling this issue head on. The ban on straws, stirrers and cotton buds is just the next step in our battle against plastic pollution, and our pledge to protect our ocean and the environmen­t for future generation­s.”

The guidance tells cafés, bars and restaurant­s that from today, “you must not supply or sell single-use plastic”, or risk a fine at a level still to be set from council inspectors.

However, a series of l oopholes announced as part of the ban mean that single-use plastic straws and stirrers will still be available for those who need them – such as people who are disabled or have medical conditions – as long as they are kept hidden.

The guidance adds: “Catering establishm­ents can supply single-use plastic straws with food and drink for immediate consumptio­n, but must keep straws where customers cannot see them or help themselves to them; only give straws to customers that request them, not offer them to customers either verbally or in writing.”

Catering establishm­ents are defined in the rules as restaurant­s, canteens, clubs and pubs, as well as takeaway vans and food stalls.

Cafés and bars can still distribute “leftover supplies of single-use plastic straws, cotton buds and drink stirrers until April 1 2021”, when they must stop offering them to customers.

Other loopholes include straws made from single-use plastic that are attached to packaging – such as a child’s fruit juice carton. They can continue to be sold until July 3 next year. Single-use plastic straws will continue to be allowed in care homes, schools, play schools and prisons, as well as for people who need them to take medicine.

Will Mccallum, head of oceans at Greenpeace, said: “It’s absolutely right that people with disabiliti­es or medical conditions should be exempted from the plastic straw ban. What’s troubling is how long it’s taken for the Government to take action on the scourge of plastic straws.”

‘The ban on straws, stirrers and cotton buds is just the next step in our battle against plastic pollution’

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