The Daily Telegraph

Paralympia­n labelled ‘sad’ in restaurant row

- By Phoebe Southworth

A PARALYMPIA­N cyclist who complained about slow service in a Tripadviso­r review of a restaurant was described a “sad lonely man” by its angry owner.

Tim Challinor, 52, received a barrage of abuse after he shared his thoughts on Tuk Tuk, a family-run restaurant which serves Indian street food in Eastbourne.

Mr Challinor, from Canterbury, criticised staff for not speaking to him enough and failing to serve him drinks, and said he would never go back.

Nobi Hussain, Tuk Tuk’s owner, took exception and fired back, accusing Mr Challinor of having a “hissy fit” and giving busy waiters his “life story”.

Mr Challinor, who has paralysis in one of his arms after a motorbike accident almost 20 years ago, is a former British paracyclin­g champion.

After dining at Tuk Tuk alone on two nights, he praised the first night’s food in his review. But he said of the second night: “I was there for 1 hour 45 minutes and only spoken to twice. I couldn’t get any drinks.”

Mr Hussain wrote back: “You sad, pathetic, lonely man. You came on a Friday and as we were not that busy you told the staff your life story and respectful­ly, we listened even though we could not care less that you are a Paralympia­n.

“You returned Saturday night, we were very busy. All your demands were met like ordering three times. When you finished you had a hissy fit that we didn’t treat you special.

“Go on a dating website find a girlfriend or a boyfriend and go to dinner with them. We are not your friend, we don’t want to hear your sad life story.”

 ??  ?? Tim Challinor incurred a restaurant owner’s wrath after a negative online review
Tim Challinor incurred a restaurant owner’s wrath after a negative online review

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