The Daily Telegraph

Brexit? It’s coo-coo and adult bla-bla, concludes William, 10

- By Gareth Davies

A SCHOOLBOY has summed up the mood of the nation when it comes to Brexit while practising his handwritin­g.

William Colledge, 10, described Brexit as “coo coo” and as “adult bla bla”, while criticisin­g politician­s for being rude and talking over each other in the note.

He also called his mother, Kirstie Colledge, 46, a “remoaner” who shouts at Nigel Farage, the former Ukip leader, when he is on the television.

Mrs Colledge, of Nuneaton, Warks, said: “I think he’s reflecting what the nation is feeling. There are so many people who don’t understand the importance of the vote or crashing out without a deal. If the adults can’t understand, to a child it’s impossible and William’s summed it up.” William’s note said: “Brexit is coo-coo. I don’t understand it one bit. I wonder why all the people shout out while someone else is talking. RUDE!

“My mum says this is history in the making, I say this is what I call ‘adult bla-bla’ but she says it’s my future.

“Mum is having a mental breakdown because she wants ‘the people to vote’ (I don’t have the foggiest of clues what that means). Mum is a remoaner. PS. She hates Nigel Farage and keeps shouting at the TV.”

Mother-of-one Kirstie, who runs a PR company, and husband Gregg, 47, who works in the automotive industry, bought William a new fountain pen for Christmas so he could practise his handwritin­g.

Mrs Colledge said: “On Tuesday, he was sat at the table and I told him to choose what to write about and that’s what he came up with.

“I’d put the TV on because I was interested in what was going to happen with the vote and he could hear it.

“They were all shouting at each other and now his opinion of a debate in the House of Commons is that they shout out like that.

“When I saw what he’d written it did make me howl with laughter. I sent it to his dad who thought it was really funny.

“I didn’t have a nervous breakdown like William said. He’s exaggerati­ng about that. I also don’t hate anyone, but I was shouting at the television when Nigel Farage was on.

“I think he’s listened to the news while we’re on the school run, which is where he’s picked up terms like ‘remoaner’.

“We do chat about Brexit and he asks me all sorts of questions about it. He’s very funny. I shared it on social media and the consensus is it sums up what everybody thinks.”

His mother joked that the humorous letter was a result of letting her son practise his handwritin­g while the television was playing the news.

She wrote on Twitter: “This is what happens when you let a 10-year-old choose the subject for handwritin­g practice when @BBCNEWS Politics Live is on.”

‘If the adults can’t understand Brexit, to a child it’s impossible and William’s summed it up’

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 ??  ?? William Colledge, 10, with parents Gregg and Kirstie. Top, his Brexit letter
William Colledge, 10, with parents Gregg and Kirstie. Top, his Brexit letter

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