The Daily Telegraph

Why Swan Lake has shoppers leaping for their wallets


Finally, we can all buy our pants in peace: Marks & Spencer has banned the blaring inanity of piped music in 300 of its stores. Switching off the muzak is a decision which will be welcomed by countless shoppers fed up of popping in for a pair of tights and coming out with tinnitus.

The figures suggest they’re on to a winner: customers are turned off when the music is turned on. In 2011, a survey revealed that 50 per cent of people would walk out of a shop if piped music was being played. Joanna Lumley, once the face of M&S, has also had enough. “I have left shops, unable to purchase the object of my desire, because of hellish piped music,” she once told Pipedown, an organisati­on that campaigns against the in-store racket.

But maybe we should be careful what we wish for. We think we want silence, but what’s the alternativ­e? This could be like the smoking ban in 2007, when clubs and pubs, no longer filled with the masking stench of cigarette smoke, began to smell instead of cheap deodorant, desperatio­n and vomit. Without the muzak, customers won’t be free to browse in peace. Instead, we’ll be shopping to a soundtrack of screaming babies, swearing husbands, squeaking trolleys and beeping tills.

The problem is not the noise; it’s the type of noise. One marketing guru called Simon Harrop, who helps brands build what he calls “deeply compelling relationsh­ips” with their customers, thinks he has the solution. “It might be appropriat­e to play the sound of bird song,” he says. “We know that bird song has an inherent tendency to relax you because it appeals to our natural sense of order. If the birds are singing, everything is right in the world.” I suppose that’s true – unless, of course, you’re in the poultry aisle at Waitrose.

The sound of waves breaking on the shore is another sound that Harrop recommends for shops. But who needs yet more reminders that they’re stuck in a characterl­ess, naturallig­ht-free shopping centre on a sunny Saturday afternoon, trying to find a pair of chinos, rather than enjoying a day at the seaside?

Much more effective, if companies are serious about keeping their customers in store for as long as possible, would be to play the sound of lawnmowers buzzing up and down or the clink-clink of dishes being washed. Remind people of the tedium that awaits them at home and they’ll be roaming the aisles till closing time.

Shops just have to find the right tunes. Piped music will never be the answer. It sounds like a nervous breakdown (ask anyone who has ever worked nine-hour shifts, five days a week, to the same songs on an endless loop) and brings back memories of torpid hours stuck on the line to a call centre.

I’m sure the right musical combinatio­n can spring the consumer safe. The secret, according to one study, lies with less pop ( Club Tropicana by Wham is a particular turn off) and more romantic strains (Tchaikovsk­y’s Swan Lake is apparently unrivalled as a wallet opener).

The experts say “dwell time” is all. The longer shoppers stay in store the more cash they spend. So why not play U2’s I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For? That should keep the trolleys rattling round the aisles. Just don’t think about what it is doing to the sanity of the staff, as they endure a 4,328th listening.

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