The Daily Telegraph

Free parking to save the high street

Minister calls for meter-free zones to attract shoppers as councils raise record amount from motorists

- By Peter Dominiczak POLITICAL EDITOR

‘Councils should be focusing their efforts on supporting our town centres and motorists’

SHOPPERS in small-town high streets should be allowed to park free, a minister has indicated, as figures show that councils are raising more money than ever from motorists.

Marcus Jones, who was made high streets minister in David Cameron’s post-election reshuffle, suggested that small town centres could become “parking meter-free zones” in an effort to save shops from closure.

The Government is growing increasing­ly concerned that punitive parking costs and fines are deterring shoppers from using their local high streets.

Small stores are going out of business as people increasing­ly shop online to avoid the threat of parking tickets, experts have warned.

Figures seen by The Daily Telegraph disclose that councils in England and Wales will collect an additional £39 million in parking revenues compared with last year, reaching a record total of £687 million.

Last year, local authoritie­s took £648 million despite the Government telling them not to use parking charges and fines to raise revenue.

Cardigan council in Wales saw custom in local shops increase by up to 50 per cent after it allowed free parking when thieves destroyed the town’s four parking machines.

Asked whether small towns should become “meter-free zones”, Mr Jones said: “You can look at examples around the country where that very situation is currently in place, and in those areas where they are thinking very carefully about how they attract more people on to their high street and into those smaller town centres.

“Those areas seem to be doing better and I think it’s really important that councils understand that and develop their policies to make sure that they are attracting people to come and shop and frequent the high street.”

He added: “Unfair parking fines push up the cost of living and undermine high streets. Instead, councils should be focusing their efforts on supporting our town centres and motorists, not by raising money through over-zealous parking enforcemen­t.”

In March, the Government announced that motorists would be given a 10-minute “grace period” to avoid a fine when their parking tickets run out. However, Mr Jones made clear that the Conservati­ves intend to go further and ensure that local authoritie­s stop using parking as a “cash cow”.

“We haven’t ruled anything out,” he said. “It is really important that local areas have the opportunit­y to consider any impacts on their high streets and town centres. Ultimately, we’re monitoring this very closely because we do take it very seriously.”

He made clear that councils penalising motorists unfairly were putting small shops at risk. “Where they are doing the right things, councils are really making a difference around the country to bring more footfall on to the high street. But where they don’t do that, there will be consequenc­es.”

Since February, every council should be publishing details of the income they get from parking, how they spend it and how they intend to use any profits.

“The law clearly states that parking fines should not be used as a way of generating revenue,” the Department for Communitie­s and Local Government said.

Ministers have warned that any local authority found to be using parking fines as a way to make money could face reduced levels of government funding.

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