The Daily Telegraph

To thine own self be untrue - at least while you're at work

- BRYONY GORDON Comment on Bryony Gordon’s view at >>­ew

Just be yourself! That’s the mantra that Generation Me, Myself and I have been brought up on, the selfhelp slogan that washes away old-fashioned British stoicism with hot, salty tears. Just be yourself, honesty is the best policy, yada, yada, yada…

But psychologi­sts from the University of Greenwich have found that workers who express their “true selves” in the office are more miserable than those who hold back. When you think about it, this is not surprising in the slightest. If I acted in the office as I did at home – like a feral adolescent, slobbing about in my slippers, eating cold pizza – I’d be depressed, (as would the colleagues who had to witness it). In fact, I reckon the most surprising thing about this research is not its findings, but that anybody at all reveals themselves at work – or in public, full stop.

Isn’t getting ready to leave the house just an elaborate conceit developed to bulldoze through one’s very being and then build something less unsightly upon it? My morning routine is done with the express purpose of making me look absolutely nothing like myself: I wash my hair, I might even brush it, I put on smart(ish) clothes and slather myself in war paint, and only when I don’t recognise my reflection in the mirror do I go to the office.

I dread to think what would happen if we were all ourselves at work. We’d arrive in dressing gowns and pyjamas, and sit at our desks with duvets on our laps. Our male colleagues would fart and belch as loudly as possible, with the man producing the noisiest and smelliest excluded from teamaking duties as a reward. When your computer crashed as you were watching Neighbours, you wouldn’t take it calmly. You’d scream very loudly at the man in IT – something along the lines of “I’ve been telling you for MONTHS that this thing doesn’t work and you STILL haven’t done anything about it! It’s typical, just typical!”

I suppose there could be positives: if you were yourself you wouldn’t have to pretend to your colleagues that you cared about Homeland or their ongoing problems with their central heating. No, better, as a rule, to pretend that you are an evolved, intelligen­t and employable grown-up. Poor Pippa Middleton – just 28 years old and she’s being treated like Marie Antoinette for having had the audacity to go to a party dressed as a Quality Street sweet. Funny, because looking at the pictures of the event she attended in Paris last weekend, I don’t see a girl who is having a good time. I see one who is gradually realising she has been exploited by a Parisian playboy so he can score maximum publicity for himself. As she posed with her friend and his scantily clad entourage, you could almost see the thought process in her brain (“Er, why didn’t you tell me about the dwarves and the burlesque dancers? I’m going to have to call the older sister now to explain.”) Ditto the footage of her dancing awkwardly with her “friends”, much like a dad at a wedding disco. The rictus grin on her face summed up the perils of modern celebrity. Pippa Middleton is learning her lessons in public, and I doubt we’ll see her in many “compromisi­ng” situations again. Is it any wonder that the seven-year itch has reportedly become a threeyear one when internatio­nal law firms such as Hill Dickinson are sending out press releases about how Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s recent engagement might be part of a “try-before-you-buy trend”? According to the firm, living with a partner for many years “can be a great way to ensure that marriage is what you really want” (gosh, who knew?). The email then goes on to explain how best to maintain “your personal wealth… by entering into a cohabitati­on agreement… [or] a prenuptial agreement”. Who said romance was dead? This lot, apparently.

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