The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Froome denied ‘Triple Crown’ glory by Dumoulin


The scene could not have been further removed from last year’s damp squib in the Qatari desert. An estimated 15,000 fans packed the final climb alone as Bergen staged a world time trial for the ages yesterday, full of intrigue and suspense and colour.

It got the winner it deserved, too. Tom Dumoulin, this year’s Giro d’italia champion and the red-hot favourite heading into the event, storming to gold ahead of Slovenia’s Primoz Roglic and Britain’s own Chris Froome.

Froome, who earlier this month backed up his fourth Tour de France victory with his first Vuelta a Espana triumph, said he had “no regrets” and “no excuses”, declaring himself more than satisfied at the end of what he described as an “unforgetta­ble season”.

“It’s not a surprise,” Froome said. “He [Dumoulin] has had a fantastic season, winning the Giro and then focusing on this title. He was by far the strongest man on the road today.”

Off third from last, Froome got the worst of the weather with rain starting to fall in the last half an hour, making the roads slick and the cobbleston­es treacherou­s.

However, as he pointed out, Dumoulin – the next rider on the Norwegian road – had the same conditions and the Dutchman had nearly chased him down by the finish, having started 1min 30sec behind.

Dumoulin eventually triumphed by 57.79sec from Roglic, with Froome 1:21.25 slower. The win sets up the mouth-watering prospect of Dumoulin and Froome going at each other at next summer’s Tour de France, which both men are expected to target.

Froome, 32, will not be short of motivation now, the sight of the 26-year-old Dumoulin closing in on him etched into his memory.

“Coming to the last kilometre, obviously I was full gas and there wasn’t much time to look around but I could hear the crowd cheering behind me,” Froome recalled.

“At one point I glanced over my shoulder and I could see the orange jersey coming up behind me and he was flying.

“But I’m glad that I was here and not sitting at home and watching the race on TV, and wondering where I might have been.

“I’ve never medalled in the world championsh­ips before. It is an amazing end to what has been an unforgetta­ble season for me.”

Froome had been hoping to achieve a “Triple Crown” of wins similar to that achieved by Stephen Roche 30 years ago, when the Irishman secured the Giro, the Tour and the world road race titles in the same season.

 ??  ?? Norse power: Chris Froome is cheered by Norwegian fans at the world road race
Norse power: Chris Froome is cheered by Norwegian fans at the world road race

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