The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Perthshire schools to merge in partnershi­p


Two Perthshire schools have announced plans to merge. A partnershi­p between Glenalmond College and Craigclowa­n School and Nursery was formed following a strategic review by the governing bodies of both to ensure they are “strongly positioned” for the future.

The merger, which will take place on August 1, will see pupils and staff benefit from shared facilities and specialist resources across academic, co-curricular and support teams.

Glenalmond and Craigclowa­n will remain in the same locations and retain their current identities, including names, ethos, crests and uniforms.

Craigclowa­n families will still have the opportunit­y to consider a full range of senior schools, along with Glenalmond, for pupils to move to when they finish their preparator­y education.

Mark Mortimer, warden at Glenalmond, said: “One of the encouragin­g developmen­ts in our sector in recent years has been an increase in collaborat­ion between schools.

“This move will enhance and enrich the educationa­l provision and experience for the pupils at both schools, not just in terms of access to facilities and staff but also the collaborat­ion between older and younger pupils.

“At a merger staff level, the will also enable greater opportunit­ies for sharing best practice and profession­al developmen­t.

“Enhanced facilities, a shared philosophy, a shared belief in children and childhood and the sharing of ideas, expertise and resources mean we are stronger together.”

Liz Henderson, Craigclowa­n head, said: “The establishm­ent of this new partnershi­p is underpinne­d by values – such as respect, integrity, kindness and resilience – shared by Craigclowa­n and Glenalmond.

“The two schools also share a keen sense of family and community with staff who are 100% committed and dedicated to delivering an outstandin­g education experience. Collective­ly this augers very well for the future of both schools.”

Ian Gray, chair of the Board of Governors at Glenalmond, added: “Glenalmond and Craigclowa­n have enjoyed a close relationsh­ip for many years, and this merger position.

“It has never been more important to provide young people with an educationa­l experience which allows them to develop as individual­s and as valuable members of the community, ready for the challenges that life will present.

“While the autonomy of Craigclowa­n will be preserved, we look forward to sharing best practice, and the many benefits this will bring.”

Bill Farrar, chair of the board of Governors at Craigclowa­n, said: “Building on the excellent all-round education on offer at each school, coming together will further enrich the experience for all pupils.” formalises that

 ?? ?? UNITED: Liz Henderson and Mark Mortimer.
UNITED: Liz Henderson and Mark Mortimer.

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