The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Group wants to trace members from 1962

People who went on first trip to Germany are invited to attend reunion

- Nadia vidiNova

A Dundee twinning associatio­n is appealing for people who went on one of their first exchange trips to Germany in 1962 to come forward for a reunion.

The Dundee Wurzburg Twinning Associatio­n recently received a photograph from one of its members of the trip to Wurzburg involving pupils from Harris, Morgan and Grove Academies.

Since that visit, the associatio­n has facilitate­d regular visits to the Bavarian city, as well as hosting German residents.

The exchanges even led to an internatio­nal romance, with the happy couple still remaining together to this day.

Dundee Wurzburg Twinning Associatio­n chairman Brian MacGillivr­ay said: “A chap from Dundee, Ian Boyd, sent in the photo.

“He’s from Dundee originally, but now lives in Dusseldorf.

“Ian was on that trip, which was one of our first after the associatio­n was formed 55 years ago, and was very successful.

“He must have been going through his old photos when he found this one. We thought it was brilliant and also contacted the local paper in Wurzburg to try to get it in there as well.

“The idea is to get people who recognise themselves from the photo, or have been on subsequent trips, to come forward and to talk about their experience of the exchanges.

“It would be great to have a bit of a reunion.

“The exchanges have been very popular – my own daughter, Lynn Notheger, met her husband when we visited Wurzburg 26 years ago, stayed to work as an au pair and to learn the language, and has been there ever since.”

Brian, who used to work as a compositor for the Courier, added that there will be further informatio­n about the twinning associatio­n’s work at the Food and Flower Festival in September, where the organisati­on will have a stall.

 ??  ?? Members of the group who visited Wurzburg in June. Below: a picture from the original exchange trip.
Members of the group who visited Wurzburg in June. Below: a picture from the original exchange trip.
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