The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Deselectio­n of David Duguid was biggest own goal of general election

- Peter Ovenstone. Peterhead.

Sir, – As a Fifer who started as an agency driver through Manpower Commercial on June 17 at Mastrick Delivery Office in Aberdeen, I am not going to argue with Fraser Bruce (Letters, July 18) about the crazy general election just past.

I hope this is the last general election at which you have to be 18 years of age to be able to vote.

It was reduced from 21 years of age in 1969, I understand, which is three years before I was born, and for me needs a review again to 16 years of age like every other Scottish election.

Surely to goodness another thing past its sell-by date is the House of Commons Disqualifi­cation Act 1975?

It means your MP can’t do what normal folk do when quitting a job and resign or work their notice period.

I was out on delivery in Aberdeen North and, seeing the Alba Party poster, I knew what was about to happen to the letter by SNP candidate and now Kirsty Blackman MP for Aberdeen North. The householde­r came out and it went straight in the recycling bin.

My 17-year-old daughter received election communicat­ion from David Duguid, initially the Tory candidate for Aberdeensh­ire North and Moray East, and

Ian Bailey, the Scottish Liberal Democrat candidate – despite not being able to vote in a general election.

As for the award of most spectacula­r own-goal of the general election, step forward the Scottish Conservati­ve Management Board, who deselected David Duguid, the last and very well respected Banff and Buchan MP, and allowed him to be substitute­d by Douglas Ross MSP.

Angering your own Tory activists in Aberdeensh­ire North and Moray East who had campaigned for David Duguid for seven months and effectivel­y ensuring a higher vote for Reform UK, and not understand­ing that they did so because they didn’t want MSP Douglas Ross as MP, is some achievemen­t.

While it was close it was a majority of 942 for Northern Irishman Seamus Logan. Who needs the luck of the Irish when you have dunces like the Scottish Conservati­ve Management Board and Douglas Ross MSP?

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