The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

News from the rurals


CARNBEE. Vicepresid­ent Diana Lawson welcomed members and Willie McNaughton who gave a talk on the history and work of the Pittenweem Fishermen’s Mission. Much of this is recorded in the books he has helped to compile as Tales of The East Neuk. Tea was served by Moira Salmond and Betty Wishart. Competitio­ns: Coastal Photograph – 1 Diana Lawson, 2 Val Johnson, 3 Moira Mukherjee; Flower of the Month – Betty Wishart. The next meeting will be an outing to Teasses Estate.

CARSE AREA. Members held a Play Your Cards Right competitio­n. Inchture SWI teams took first and second place and will represent the area at the Perth and Kinross final.

LETHAM AND DISTRICT. President Lynne Slater welcomed members to the annual general meeting and presentati­on of trophies. Meg Bundock thanked Lynne for all her hard work and commitment to the institute. Annual trophies: flower of the month – 1 Victoria Alexander, 2 Jeannie Mair, 3 Lynne Slater; handcrafts tray – 1 Frances Webster, 2 Lynne Slater, 3 Colette McNeill; home skills cup – 1 (equal) Lynne Slater and Victoria Alexander, 2 Frances Webster, 3 Jeannie Mair; rose bowl for most points at the federation show (handcrafts and homeskills) – 1 Victoria Alexander, 2 Jeannie Mair, 3 Colette McNeill; Rose bowl most points overall – 1 Frances Webster, 2 Lynne Slater, 3 Jeannie Mair. To celebrate the institute’s 100-year anniversar­y members will have an outing to a local hotel for afternoon tea on June 4.

STRACATHRO. Fiona Watson presided at the annual general meeting and welcomed two members from Tarfside, who acted as tellers. Members heard that membership is rising and a new committee was elected. Amanda Wilson, of Cherry Grove Bits and Bobs, Fettercair­n, gave a talk. May competitio­ns: tablet – 1 C Gibson, 2 V Blewitt, 3 C Jackson; decorated wooden spoon – 1 Fiona T, 2 S Brown, 3 H Christie; flower of the month – 1 Isobel M, 2 Fiona T, 3 Linda L. Annual trophies were also presented: cookery cup – Fiona Gill and Cathy Jackson; craft cup – Doris Black; flower of the month cup – Fiona Thomson. The June meeting will be the summer outing to the House of Dun.

DUNDUFF AND DISTRICT. President Anne Marshall introduced Audrey and Danielle members of the Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Guild who gave a demonstrat­ion on how to turn fleece into wool. Competitio­ns: floral arrangemen­t – 1 Anne Marshall 2 Beverley Bryson; quiche – 1 Beverley Bryson, 2 Anne Wiltshire; flower of the month – Beverley Bryson.

NEW GILSTON AND WOODSIDE. Philip Dodsworth of Blood Bikes Scotland gave a talk on the charity which operates in Forth Valley, Lothian, Fife, Borders and Tayside. Competitio­ns: coconut ice – 1 Valerie Anderson, 2 Maggie Free, 3 Anne Ferguson; flower of the month – Susan Fox.

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