The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

More people seeking help for hay fever


This weekend marks peak grass pollen season across Tayside and Fife, and hay fever sufferers are seeking out advice on remedies like never before.

Figures gathered by Allergy UK reveal half the population now report suffering hay fever symptoms, almost double previous estimates.

More than one-third have developed symptoms for the first time in the last five years and more than half are anxious others may mistake their symptoms for signs of Covid-19.

Pharmacist Jenna Doig, at Cadham Pharmacy in Glenrothes, said they have noticed an increase in people looking for help.

“We’ve had quite strange weather this year so that’s meant the rapeseed flowered a couple of weeks later than normal,” she said.

“People living in rural areas surrounded by rapeseed are being more affected now.

“Standard seasonal flowers and grass are also pollenatin­g, which means there’s more pollen in the air.”

Hay fever is usually worse between March and September, especially when it is warm, humid or windy.

Allergy UK states that grass pollen is the most common allergen, but tree and weed pollens can also cause hay fever.

Your pharmacist can suggest the best treatments, and there’s lots of advice at Allergy UK.

Ms Doig said: “Depending on their main symptoms, most people manage fairly well with a one-a-day, nondrowsy antihistam­ine.

“But if the person is particular­ly bothered with sneezing or rhinitis and if they’re over 18, we’d look at a steroid nasal spray.

“For runny eyes we could recommend antihistam­ine eye drops.”

Pharmacies also offer advanced clinics and Pharmacy First provision for those with more severe symptoms that might not be treatable with standard antihistam­ine.

And for 20% of people who have such severe hay fever it affects their quality of life and who find other remedies haven’t worked, immunother­apy can be investigat­ed.

Drivers were also recently reminded to exercise caution when getting behind the wheel because some hay fever treatments may have side effects that could hamper their ability to operate a vehicle properly.

You can track the pollen count in your area on the Met Office website.

 ??  ?? MORE THAN JUST A SNEEZE: The hay fever season is well and truly upon us now.
MORE THAN JUST A SNEEZE: The hay fever season is well and truly upon us now.

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