The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Levenmouth women find their own photos on ‘sick’ Twitter page

SOCIAL MEDIA: Profile removed after using nude and ‘upskirt’ photos of young women without permission


A “sick” Twitter page filled with pictures of young Fife women has been removed from the social media site following scores of complaints.

Photograph­s of females, some of whom looked to be teenagers, appeared on the page.

Many of the pictures had been lifted from the women’s own Facebook pages without permission, despite privacy settings, and retweeted along with explicit comments.

Others, including nude photos, appeared on the site without being posted by the women at all, prompting suspicions it was created by someone they know.

Victims said they were shocked and disgusted to find themselves being used by the page, with one woman saying she had been sickened.

A number of the women live in Levenmouth and are known to each other, so word spread when one of them spotted the pictures last week.

The site was reported to Twitter and removed the same day due to a breach of its private informatio­n policy, which prevents people’s private informatio­n from being published without their permission.

Police have also been informed. One woman, who asked not to be named, said she had taken a picture of her friend on a night out last Friday.

Her friend posted it to her own Facebook page the next day and it appeared on the Twitter page the following day.

“We discovered it when a lot of people started tweeting about it and reporting it,” she said.

“It went all the way back to December last year and was full of pictures, many of them of people I know or recognise.

“The comments on the photos were disgusting and they were being liked or retweeted by some disgusting pages.”

She added: “It’s people I went to school with, people I see on nights out, friends, and friends of friends, and they’re all from round this area.

“Some of the girls had photos posted of them from multiple years ago, as if the person had gone back years on their Facebook. It’s really creepy.”

Another woman described finding nude photos of her friend which had never been posted anywhere else, as well as “upskirting” pictures.

“It’s obviously someone in their social circle and it’s sick,” she said.

A spokespers­on for Twitter said: “We don’t comment on individual accounts for privacy and security reasons.”

“The comments on the photos were disgusting and they were being liked or retweeted by some disgusting pages

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