The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Getting to know you


Graham Dawson from Cupar has 26 years experience as a pilot and currently takes passengers on scenic tours of Scotland

Q What do you love most about what you do?

A It’s the people and the smiles as well as the challenge of providing safe and effective flying, be it instructin­g or flying clients on surveys or passengers to see the sights.

Q What was your Plan B career wise?

A My real ambition was to be a baker and I would still love to do that. I’m attracted by the early hours and the fine aromas.

Q Who would you like to thank?

A My mum and dad. They were brilliant and my dad is still a wise old bird at 90. My lovely and long-suffering wife and my three grown-up bairns.

Q What would be your superhero power/name?

A My superhero is Winston Churchill. He was flawed just like the rest of us but had the power of oratory and courage in bundles

Q Your house is on fire, what one item do you save?

A My underpants – for very good reasons.

Q Last meal on earth?

A Mince ‘n’ tatties or just bread and water if kindly given.

Q First thing you’d do if you won £1 million?

A Be thankful and then set up a trust with about 50% for something good, like an education trust. Pay my mortgage off and give a bit to my family, then save the rest. Oh yeah and get the heating fixed.

Q Quiet night in or big night out?

A In my summer house, with a few pals and a couple decent beers and no lager.

Q City break or weekend in the country?

A I live in the country so for a break I like to go to... the country. Bumpkin born and bred.

Q Early bird or night owl?

A Early bird for sure. I used to be a milkman with a 1am start or earlier and that would still suit me. As for late nights, I will leave that to the owls themselves.

Q Save it or spend it?

A Save some and when the time is right spend some. Rainy day protection is important.

Q Couch potato or fitness fanatic?

A No telly so my couch goes unused most of the time. I used to go to a gym but it was just boring so I like walking and cycling.

Q Home or abroad?

A Home is great with the occasional trip abroad but not to a beach or the sun. Gimmee the Alps every time.

Q What advice would you give to your younger self?

A Listen to your parents, you twit.

Q Early or late?

A I like to be early but life’s complicati­ons make me late at times. I try to let people know though cos I hate being late for folks.

Q Cats or dogs?

A I have a dog which hates cats – until they get really close and then she runs for cover.

Q Biggest regret?

A I don’t really hold regrets as such – just learn by mistakes. Life has ups and downs and it’s good to have both.

Q Who do you admire most?

A My dad. Wisdom personifie­d with a big heart, courage and skills. Generous with time and like a rock, supporting his family even at nearly 90.

Q What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

A When I was a police officer and had to take control of nutters on a night train of West Ham “fans” en-route to Aberdeen with one colleague after a number of innocent other passengers had been put in fear of their lives.

Q Write your own epitaph.

A “Blast it... failed again!”

 ??  ?? Churchill is Graham’s ultimate superhero.
Churchill is Graham’s ultimate superhero.
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