The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

In a froth about wearing frocks


Sir, – I realise I am slightly at odds with our current society where anything goes, so long as it’s politicall­y correct.

That said, may I ask in all earnestnes­s – what is wrong with British racing champion Lewis Hamilton gently poking fun at his nephew for wearing a princess frock?

I grew up at a time when boys were boys and girls were girls, but now society seems intent on confusing the two and, at times, encouragin­g everyone to be something in-between.

I wouldn’t usually jump to the defence of Lewis Hamilton but when you hear charity spokespeop­le calling for him to apologise and even be stripped of his MBE, surely it’s time we all calmed down and developed a sense of perspectiv­e and humour.

A charity called Ditch The Label castigated Hamilton for “publicly shaming” his nephew and for denying him his freedom of expression.

They fail to acknowledg­e that Hamilton’s young nephew laughs all the way through the funpoking video; hypocritic­ally, neither do they mention Hamilton’s own right to freedom of expression.

I really do think it’s time charities like Ditch the Label ditched the need to go looking for offence, and lent a balance and realism to their views.

As for Hamilton’s nephew, I’m sure he’ll make a full recovery from the psychologi­cal trauma of having his uncle laugh at him for wearing a pink and purple princess frock. Jamie Buchan. Grove Rd, Dundee.

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