The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

First Minister gets involved in flaring issue at Mossmorran


First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has promised to seek answers to the problem of flaring at the Fife Ethylene Plant at Mossmorran.

The issue was raised by Conservati­ve Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Alexander Stewart during First Minister’s Questions yesterday following the latest prolonged period of flaring at the end of October.

Mr Stewart said the process, which site operators ExxonMobil say is vital to keep the plant running safely during unplanned operations, had caused “anger, distress and upset” among many Fife residents and sought answers at Holyrood.

“The flare which lights up the sky with a horrible pulsating orange glow can be seen from as far away as Angus,” he said.

“The night sky has been turned to daylight for many in Cowdenbeat­h and Kelty, causing anxiety, sleeplessn­ess and distress among young children and animals.

“Day after day, residents have had to endure unwelcome noise pollution and vibrations – not to mention the negative impact it is having on air quality and the environmen­t.

“Will the First Minister take affirmativ­e action to hold ExxonMobil to account over their unannounce­d flaring and give my constituen­ts proper answers after months of worry and a lack of updates on the issue?”

In her reply, Ms Sturgeon said she would ask the environmen­t secretary to write to Mr Stewart, adding: “I will request a full explanatio­n from Sepa as to the findings of their investigat­ion as it is a serious matter which needs to be properly and transparen­tly resolved.”

Sepa said flaring was required at the plant to enable a controlled shutdown following a process upset and it had been liaising with ExxonMobil throughout.

 ??  ?? Alexander Stewart wants answers over the flaring.
Alexander Stewart wants answers over the flaring.

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