The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Obama: Not just golf, sunshine and cachet


Scotland welcomed the former President of the United States, Barack Obama, with open arms yesterday, even putting on the finest sunshine for his round of golf at St Andrews, and the great and the good assembled in Edinburgh last night to hear him speak. The excitement at his visit is palpable.

Obama didn’t disappoint. Charming and urbane as ever, he took time out at the third hole at the Old Course to stroll over and shake hands with members of the huge following crowd, joked about his own game, and generally followed the script of a sophistica­ted and likeable public figure.

He did more than that though. Yesterday he was advocating for the global causes he had championed as President, very real and pressing issues such as food sustainabi­lity, climate change and the impact of technology on future economies, workforces, and global society. As expected, he put forward reasoned, informed and intelligen­t arguments.

Comparison­s, the saying goes, are odious. But the contrast between Obama and Trump could not be more striking as the two leaders – one former, one current – both visit foreign shores.

Obama spoke of the dangers of being dazzled by the power the US Presidency can bring, of “believing your own hype”. If anything, he reasoned, the responsibi­lites of the Presidency made him feel more humble. The comparison is there to be made.

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