The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Getting to know you


Dundee-born Barham “Baz” Brummage was recently appointed lead drummer of the city’s MacKenzie Caledonian Pipe Band (Mac Cals)

Q Your house is on fire, what one item do you save?

A Assuming my wife is already out and my golf clubs are safely in the car, I had better say my drum as that is band property and there would be a lot of explaining to do.

Q Theme song for your life?

A As a semi-retired teacher I would have to say School’s Out by Alice Cooper.

Q Quiet night in or big night out?

A Considerin­g I travel from where I live in West Lothian twice a week to attend band practice I think a wee night in sounds good.

Q Couch potato or fitness fanatic?

A In my mind I am a fitness fanatic and always have great plans for getting fit but in reality my idea of a workout is getting out of bed; up down, up down, up down, and then the other eyelid...

Q What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to give up?

A I have never smoked and I am not contemplat­ing giving up alcohol. When I have to give up drumming it will be the hardest thing as I have played since I was five.

Q Tell us a joke.

A What do you call 50 pipers at the bottom of the sea? A good start! (Honestly I don’t hate the pipers that much. It’s just when they start to tune up it sounds a bit like a fire in a pet shop).

Q Happiest memory?

A Apart from meeting and marrying my wife I have to say winning the World Championsh­ip in Grade 3A with Mac Cals. That was 2008. We are now at the second highest grade and we are doing well.

Q What are you proudest of?

A As a teacher for some 35 years I’m proud of so many kids I have taught and who have gone on to do well for themselves. Not necessaril­y the high flyers; those who go on to employment and to a family life.

Q Dream dinner party guests?

A As a drummer I would like to meet up again with the late Alex Duthart. Phil Collins would be good company too and I would also like the meal to be served by four pipers (give them a chance to do something useful for a drummer).

Q Who do you admire most?

A My wife Agnes. Somehow she has kept me solvent and turned me out looking reasonably smart for 34 years.

Q And who do you detest?

A I look at the positives in everyone. However I must admit, I can’t find a lot to love about Donald Trump.

Q Who would you like to thank?

A My parents for making me who I am; my wife and family for being there and keeping me in line; and my friends in the pipe bands for their comradeshi­p.

Q What advice would you give to your younger self? A Take a chance. I’m always tending to the safe option. Q Biggest regret?

A No regrets. My life is as it is and I’m happy with it.

Q What keeps you awake at night?

A Drum scores going through my head at 5am.

Q What was the worst punishment you had as a child?

A Being told someone was disappoint­ed in me.

Q First thing you’d do if you won £1 million?

A Purchase a new set of uniforms for Mac Cals: the outfit with tunic spats and feather bonnets.

 ??  ?? The pipes are calling – but not from the bottom of the sea.
The pipes are calling – but not from the bottom of the sea.
 ??  ??

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