The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

City centre drinkdrive­r was seven times over limit


A woman who drove through Dundee city centre while more than seven times the drink-drive limit avoided a jail term.

Marilyn Lawrence was caught drunk while driving on Meadowside in June.

She was stopped by police and breathalys­ed – and gave a reading that was almost seven-and-a-half times the drink-drive limit.

Lawrence, 39, of Naltam House, Dundee, pleaded guilty on summary complaint to a charge of driving with 164 microgramm­es of alcohol in her breath (the limit is 22).

The offence took place on June 25.

Paul Parker Smith, defending, said: “The court will see there is a report that is positive in terms that she is engaging with alcohol counsellin­g.”

Sheriff Lorna Drummond QC imposed a community payback order with one year’s supervisio­n, an alcohol treatment requiremen­t and 200 hours unpaid work in the community.

She also banned Lawrence from driving for 32 months.

Sheriff Drummond said: “The reading here is exceptiona­lly high.

“You have pleaded guilty to this offence. This is a reading that warrants custody.

“However, you are a first offender and you are clearly someone who has an alcohol problem.

“It seems to me that as a direct alternativ­e to custody I am able to deal with this other than by sending you to jail.”

Scotland’s drink- drive limit was reduced in December 2014.

The previous limit for breath tests was 35 microgramm­es in 100 millilitre­s of breath.

 ??  ?? Marilyn Lawrence.
Marilyn Lawrence.

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