The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Grant helps Dundee firm engineer growth


A £ 25 0 , 0 0 0 grant helped Dundee firm GA Engineerin­g create 40 jobs, new statistics from Scottish Enterprise show.

The Tom Johnstone Road business was one of 31 Scottish companies sharing £ 12 million in regional assistance grants between July and September.

The business developmen­t agency said the funding would help create or safeguard a total of up to 1,750 jobs around Scotland.

Others to benefit from the finding include Itison. The internet offers company, which announced pre-tax profits of nearly £1m in only its second year of trading, received £200,000 which will be used to create up to 29 jobs in Glasgow.

“This report shows companies of all sizes, from all over Scotland, benefiting from the regional selective assistance scheme,” said SE chief executive Lena Wilson.

“As well as large-scale grants supporting major projects, we are seeing far smaller offers helping SMEs to pursue their growth plans.

“That’s precisely what RSA is designed to do: support businesses, whatever their size, while they invest in growth.

“I’m pleased to see the scheme is continuing to help a wide range of companies over an equally wide range of sectors.

“It remains one of the most effective business support tools we have at our disposal.”

A second Dundee precision engineerin­g firm, Diemax, also benefited from an RSA grant. It received £25,000, which will lead to the creation of two jobs.

 ??  ?? WhiteRock Capital Partners senior investment manager David McCurley and George Lowden, owner of Lowden Guitars.
WhiteRock Capital Partners senior investment manager David McCurley and George Lowden, owner of Lowden Guitars.

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