The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Crane firm reprimande­d for neglect of safety

- Alan Shields

A CRANE f irm was reprimande­d yesterday over neglecting safety practices in the aftermath of an accident in which a mother and her two young daughters died.

Ann Copeland, 45, and her daughters, Niamh, 10, and Ciara, 7, died after their car skidded on a hydraulic fluid leak on a country road in early 2008.

A fatal accident inquiry found that the fluid “probably” leaked from aWilliam Whyte Cargo Handlers’ crane.

The haulier and mobile crane c o m p a ny wa s subsequent­ly investigat­ed to see if it had proper safety practices in place.

And they were found to have fallen short of the standards expected.

Yesterday ScottishTr­affic Commission­er JoanAitken said the firm had since put road safety at risk by neglecting maintenanc­e on the trucking side of the business.

She ruled that the firm’s licence should be restricted after managers prioritise­d crane maintenanc­e and business expansion over lorry safety.

She said: “The sheriff in his determinat­ion of what procedures might have prevented the loss of life on the A92 that January 2008 effectivel­y recommende­d procedures which are already at the heart of the safe operation of goods vehicles.

Mrs Copeland and her daughters were killed while travelling to school on the A92 Stonehaven to Dundee road in January 2008.

It later emerged Mrs Copeland had lost control of her Citroen Saxo because the car had skidded on hydraulic fluid leaked on to the road.

Miss Aitken launched the investigat­ion into the firm in April following the conclusion of the fatal accident inquiry and the subsequent VOSA inspection.

She questioned crane firm bosses over various issues including drivers’ hours, tachograph offences, unauthoris­ed use of an operating centre, false statements, good repute and profession­al competence.

Yesterday Miss Aitken curtailed the company’s operator’s licence from four vehicles to two for a period of three months.

 ?? PA. ?? Paul Lawrie receives an OBE by the Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace.
PA. Paul Lawrie receives an OBE by the Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace.
 ??  ?? The Copeland family.
The Copeland family.

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