The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Arrows on A9 could save lives


THE DEATH toll on theA9 has been too high for too long.

It is one of the most treacherou­s roads in the country, claiming 67 lives in one five-year period between 2006 and 2010 while there are around 1,000 collisions on the route each year. Dualling the road is seen as the best solution. It is thought drivers often become confused about when it is safe to overtake because the road switches from single to dual carriagewa­y so frequently.

The Scottish Government does intend to spend £30 billion upgrading 80 miles of the road, making it dual carriagewa­y all the way, but that work has not even started yet and will not be complete until 2025.

Sadly, in the meantime, that means there is the likelihood of more collisions and deaths on the road.

Safety campaigner­s are now calling for other measures in a bid to prevent accidents.

A suggestion by Fife man Peter Manson would not only be cheap to implement but could be priceless when it comes to saving lives.

He wants arrows painted on the road so that drivers — particular­ly foreign visitors not used to Scotland’s roads — know which direction traffic will be travelling in.

By repeating these markings once every mile or so, he believes drivers would be less likely to attempt to overtake when they know traffic could be approachin­g from the opposite direction.

Transport Scotland say similar measures are already being considered.

Given the potential to save lives, and the relatively low cost, their deliberati­ons should not take long.

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