The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)


- CLAIRE PETULENGRO Calls are for entertainm­ent purposes only. Astrology calls cost 62ppm from a BT landline (mobile costs and other networks may be higher). You must be 18 years or over to use these services and have the bill payers permission. The regulat

Aries You are tempted March 21st-April to spoil what 20th you have and try for something all that’s you going don’t on. have, but desire. Call now to 0904 take 020 stock 2170 of

Taurus April 21st-May 21st From today I want you to step up to each day with both expectatio­n and joy. Call me now so I can help you improve your relationsh­ips. 0904 020 2171

Gemini May 22nd-June 21st I know it has been a struggle recently, but successes will be yours if you strive for it. Call me now so we can put the past behind us for good. 0904 020 2172

Cancer June 22nd-July 23rd Mars makes it hard for you to understand what your true wants and needs are. Give yourself time. Part of the fun, surely, has to be in the choosing. Call to hear how official matters go well in July. 0904 020 2173

Leo July 21st-August 23rd However bad the rumours, make sure it is not you who spreads the news. Call now to hear how your personal life must face an ultimatum. 0904 020 2174

Virgo August 24th-September 23rd You may feel like telling tales to get your own back after a family argument, but don’t. You will only jeopardise the possibilit­y of making up. Call to hear why you mustn’t take sides in business today. 0904 020 2175

Libra September 24th-October 23rd Hurt feelings in work see you facing dead ends. It’s clear there is no longer a team spirit. Ring to hear how Mars can make you money. 0904 020 2176

Scorpio October 24th-November 22nd New attraction­s cause confusion and leave you wondering whether you should go ahead with plans. Call to hear why you must honour financial deals. 0904 020 2177

November 23rd-December 21st A Sagittariu­s setback financiall­y makes it hard for you to go ahead with all of the arrangemen­ts you have made. Don’t lie to those you’re letting down. Call now to hear whose jealousy needs to be nipped in the bud. 0904 020 2178

Capricorn December 22nd-January 20th Working with people you know and trust can allow you to take chances you’d usually avoid. Call me now so we can take a look at your future together. 0904 020 2179

Aquarius January 21st-February 19th Don’t be afraid to lay your heart on the line, you would benefit from a face to face. Call to hear how children help you make better decisions about life. 0904 020 2180

Pisces February 20th-March 20th You’re not taking the conversati­ons you’ve been having with close ones seriously. If you continue to mock you could see a more unfriendly side. Ring to hear if these problems can be ironed out. 0904 020 2181

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