The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Mackay wants second reason to celebrate

- by Neil Robertson in Trondheim

ST JOHNSTONE skipper Dave Mackay is hoping he can lead his side to Europa League success against Rosenborg to help celebrate the recent birth of his son Callum.

The popular “Cup-tie” and his fiancée Laura had endured a year of heartache following the tragic death of another child, who was stillborn.

Now, though, the couple are delighted to be adjusting to life with a new baby in their home once again.

Mackay said: “My wife had a wee boy three weeks ago called Callum. It’s not great timing is it — preseason and babies? It’s worth it though.

“It’s like going back to it all over again as my daughter is 11. You just forget everything.

“He’s not too bad with sleeping, although we’d a bad one the other night.

“At least in Norway I will get one night’s unbroken sleep.

“We lost a baby a year past in April. SANDS (the charity for bereaved parents) helped us through the initial period. Laura went to meetings for the first few months which helped us a lot.

“We had friends as well who lost their four-yearold son after he died in his sleep. It was a tough time for them but they were able to help us too.

“Our friend Stacey was able to talk about different circumstan­ces having been through a similar thing.

“You joke about the sleepless nights but of course you are happy to take them after what we’ve been through.

“Bad things happen. You just have to move on as best as you can. It put football in perspectiv­e. At the end of the day it is a job, something I love doing but it is only a job and family comes way above that.”

That job now includes leading Saints on their latest Europa League adventure, with Mackay looking to overcome the disappoint­ment of last year’s tie against Eskisehirs­por.

The captain missed the game in Turkey because of illness and was only fit enough to take a place on the bench in the second leg.

Mackay said: “I’m really looking forward to it. We’ve not had too many European campaigns as a club so to do it in consecutiv­e years is fantastic.

“Personally, it’s great that I’m fit and available for the first leg as I missed the game in Turkey last year.

“It was disappoint­ing after going through a long, hard season and earning the right to play in Europe only to be ruled out.”

MACKAY SAID: “I managed 20 minutes in the return leg but that’s when the game was finished. It was a little run out more than anything.

“I caught some of the first leg on the internet although the streaming wasn’t great.

“I felt we were a bit unlucky. Frazer Wright scored an own goal and there were a couple of deflection­s.

“If we had a little bit more belief we might have got a result over there.

“I think that belief’s built this season.

“We ’ l l respect Rosenborg — they are a quality side who are unbeaten in the league this year. But we feel we are a decent side as well.

“We’ll be aware of their strengths but we won’t fear them.

“We’ll watch a few DVDs and the manager’s seen them a couple of times.

“It was harder last year against the Turks as we could only see wee bits of them on DVDs.

“We probably thought they were a better team than they actually were.

“At least this year, it’s a team we’ll know more about.”

Mackay is hoping that Rosenborg could be lulled into a false sense of security against Saints.

He said: “I’d imagine they’ll think it’s going to be a walkover.

“They’re a well experience­d European team that played in the Champions League for a number of years.

“Plus they are halfway through their season and we are just starting off.

Mackay admitted he will be delighted to skipper the side in Europe, however he believes it will be some time before the full impact of the honour sinks in.

He said: “Leading the team out will be a nice thing to do although it’s not something I’ve really thought about.

“Maybe when I’m finished playing it will be something to look back on.

“Just now it’s just another game for me — no more important than any other.”

 ?? SNS. ?? Dave Mackay.
SNS. Dave Mackay.

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