The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Welcome for Army Reserve changes, but details needed


FIFE’S DEFENCE Transition Task Force has given a cautious welcome to Secretary of State for Defence Philip Hammond MP’s White Paper on the future of the Army Reserves in the UK.

Earlier this month, the Secretary of State addressed the House of Commons on the plans for implementi­ng the future Army Reserve (formerly known as the TA) in the new Integrated Army of 112,000 (Regular and Reserve), and the Structures and Basing Plan.

Councillor Charles Haffey, Fife Council’s spokespers­on for defence, said: “We welcome the move that the Army Reserves will soon become an integral part of the UK Army. It’s vital that that they are manned, equipped and supported to the same level as regular service personnel.

“Improving relationsh­ips with the employers of reservists is extremely important to ensure that they are aware of the impact of absence from work through army deployment and the specific obligation­s needed for the welfare of the soldiers.

“The investment of an additional £1.8bn into the reserves over the next 10 years is also welcome and we hope that Fife will benefit greatly from this.

“However, there are several questions that need to be answered on the Fife Basing locations. Although units in Leuchars, Glenrothes and Cupar remain unaffected, the closure of the Kirkcaldy Army Reserve Centre means that personnel will have to travel to other locations or be found new units.

“We need clarificat­ion on the impact of these changes, along with detailed plans of the scale of the new REME regiment squadron and changes to the Scottish Transport Regiment already in Dunfermlin­e.”

He added: “Improved levels of healthcare and welfare support to reserves, with greater remunerati­on and recognitio­n for the companies affected during deployment, will be a welcome boost to the reservists. The support and commitment from employers is vital for the success of a future army that has a major responsibi­lity for defence of the realm.”

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