The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Jailer feared longer term

- by Jamie Beatson

A PRISON officer jailed for 18 months for harbouring one of Scotland’s most dangerous criminals after he escaped jail thought she was going down for more than three years, sources said yesterday.

Christine Robertson,who helped Jimmy Holland, was jailed last week after she was found naked in bed with him after he walked out of Castle Huntly open prison, where he was serving eight years.

Robertson smiled and said “thanks” to friends and mouthed “Oh my God” as she was led from the dock in handcuffs.

A prison source said: “She was expecting at least three years, she was really surprised when she only got half of that.

“When she was taken down from the dock she was just as surprised as everyone else in the court that she didn’t get a much harsher sentence. “She couldn’t believe her luck.” And a Crown Office insider added: “The sentence was a real turn up for the books.

“Most people had been expecting sentences of between three and four years, this was a really serious breach of trust.”

Another source said: “She still denies any involvemen­t in actually committing a crime, she is sticking to her crazy story about him pretending to be her friend Pickled Pete and needing help, then tricking his way into her flat.

“Even in her background reports that the court required before sentencing her the social workers were taking her to task over the evidence she gave in court.”

Robertson denied a charge of aiding and abetting Holland when he escaped from Castle Huntly last March.

A six-day trial heard how the pair exchanged letters, cards and even text messages on a phone Holland had smuggled into the open prison.

He walked out of the prison on March 16 before walking to a pub in nearby Longforgan and taking a taxi to Broughty Ferry.

There he met Robertson before going back to her flat in Monifieth where the pair were found the following morning.

Both were naked, with Robertson under the covers and Holland crouching on top waving a knife. Police used a Taser stun gun to subdue him.

Officers investigat­ing the case found a stash of letters and cards sent by Holland to Robertson in a bedside table in her flat, as well as text messages on her phone sent to her from Holland’s handset.

The cute characters depicted on many of the cards are a world away from Holland’s hardman image.

He has racked up more than 40 years worth of jail terms in a 25-year criminal career that has included armed robberies, hostage takings, prison riots, stabbings and gun crime.

Jailing Robertson, Sheriff Tom Hughes told her: “This is a serious crime, it involved a gross breach of trust to the community, your colleagues and the service you worked for.





completely inappropri­ate communicat­ions with a person who you knew to be of a violent dispositio­n.

“The local community are concerned by the number of people who escape from establishm­ents such as Castle Huntly and the public should have confidence that dangerous persons such as Mr Holland do not escape and serve the sentence appropriat­e.

“Because of your actions you aided and abetted his absconding and your conduct was inexcusabl­e.”

 ??  ?? Robertson was given 18 months for harbouring Holland.
Robertson was given 18 months for harbouring Holland.
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