The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Taxi firms hope to pick up a fare deal in review of rates


Angus taxi fares could be facing a hike for the first time in four years. A review of rates has been launched for a trade which one local operator said has seen business “fall off a cliff ”.

The process is now under way after a failed bid to put the brakes on the review until after Scottish council elections in May.

It is less than six months since Angus councillor­s decided there should not be a price hike.

But civic licensing committee councillor­s agreed another review should take place.

The current standard daytime hire rate is £3.50 for the first 1,660 yards – just under a mile.

The next 1,660 yards are charged at £3.50, and then 10p for every 85 yards thereafter.

Waiting time is 10p for every 15 seconds.

Evening rates go up to £3.80 and there are higher charges over the festive period.

Council legal manager David Thompson told councillor­s: “We’ve had representa­tions from the trade.

“They highlight what I think everyone in the meeting already knows – that there have been significan­t increases in costs.”

Arbroath councillor Alex King said he wanted to delay the review.

Mr King said: “The last one was only completed in August 2021.

“And we’ve an election for a new council in May.

“So I think it would be better for this to be deferred for the first meeting of the civic licensing committee in the next administra­tion.

“I don’t want to be committing people to doing a whole lot of work which might be rejected by the next committee.”

Committee vice-convener

Richard Moore said: “If taxi drivers are having a difficult time now, I don’t want to wait until May/ June time to start the process.

“We can start the process and leave the decision to the incoming civic licensing committee.”

One Angus operator fears the latest review will be a “waste of time”.

Scott Ferrier of VIP Taxis in Forfar said: “We haven’t had an increase since 2018.

“I’ve made representa­tions in the past.

“But it seems every time Forfar operators say they want a rise that the trade in Arbroath say they don’t and it’s kicked out.

“The level of trade has fallen off a cliff.

“We’re running at about 45% capacity.

“As far as Friday and Saturday night weekend work is concerned, there’s just nothing there.

“Fuel, insurance, maintenanc­e and the cost of parts have all gone up.

“So, yes I’d like to see a rise.

“But at the same time the people we are carrying have also seen their costs for fuel, food and everything else increase.

“The public just don’t have the money.”

A review is also on the way in neighbouri­ng Perth and Kinross Council.

It comes after the trade there said it is “on its knees” having not seen a fares increase in a decade.

 ?? ?? Scott Ferrier of VIP Taxis in Forfar says trade levels have ‘fallen off a cliff’.
Scott Ferrier of VIP Taxis in Forfar says trade levels have ‘fallen off a cliff’.
 ?? ?? TAXI!: For the first time in four years, fares in Angus could rise.
TAXI!: For the first time in four years, fares in Angus could rise.

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