The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Lengthy delay if May fails to win support

PM would have to seek extension unless defeat overturned


Theresa May could duck a third Commons showdown on her Withdrawal Agreement, resulting in a long delay to Brexit unless Tory rebels fall in line.

Cabinet ministers said another vote on the deal would not be held unless the prime minister was confident of overturnin­g last week’s overwhelmi­ng defeat.

Unless the 149-vote humiliatio­n can be reversed, Mrs May would be forced to seek a lengthy extension to the Article 50 process, with the UK required to elect MEPS in May, Chancellor Philip Hammond said.

The prime minister herself has warned of what Westminste­r insiders have dubbed a “Hotel California” Brexit where the UK can never leave.

She said that if MPS did not back her deal before Thursday’s European Council summit “we will not leave the EU for many months, if ever”.

It would be a “potent symbol of Parliament’s collective political failure” if a delay to Brexit meant the UK was forced to elect MEPS in May almost three years after voting to leave, Mrs May said in a Sunday Telegraph article.

As part of the effort to put pressure on Tory hardliners and the DUP to shift position and support the deal, Mr Hammond and Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox made clear that the prime minister might not even risk a third defeat on her deal after the 230vote loss in January and last week’s 149vote reverse.

Mr Hammond told BBC1’S Andrew Marr Show: “We will only bring the deal back if we are confident that enough of our colleagues and the DUP are prepared to support it so that we can get it through Parliament. We are not just going to keep presenting it if we haven’t moved the dial.”

He said a “significan­t number” of MPS had changed their minds because the alternativ­es to Mrs May’s deal were “so unpalatabl­e” to them, but he acknowledg­ed it remained a “work in progress” to secure enough votes.

But in a warning of what was at stake Mr Hammond added: “Clearly if we don’t get this deal through we are almost certainly going to have to fight a European parliament­ary election, almost certainly going to have a longer extension, almost certainly not going to be able to gain access to the fiscal headroom I talked about in the Spring Statement.”

The chancellor insisted it was “not economic blackmail, it’s common sense” to say that he would not be able to release the almost £27 billion of “fiscal headroom” unless the deal was done, as he needed to keep it in reserve to cope with a no-deal departure.

Dr Fox told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge On Sunday: “I would say to my colleagues: all actions have consequenc­es, and if you really want to deliver the Brexit we all promised... then we need to back the prime minister’s deal because there is no other deal on offer.”

He added: “If we had an extension with no agreement and this was just kicking into the long grass with the chance that Brexit might not happen at all, that would be very, very hard for most people to swallow.”

The possibilit­y of Brexit being delayed or overturned in a second referendum is swinging some Euroscepti­cs reluctantl­y behind the deal ahead of a third vote on the package.

 ??  ?? Prime Minister Theresa May leaves with her husband Philip after attending a church service yesterday.
Prime Minister Theresa May leaves with her husband Philip after attending a church service yesterday.

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