The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Three toddler killings rocked country in 2014


Madison Horn should have been starting school this month, but she was murdered before she even had the chance to experience nursery.

The blonde-haired, blue-eyed tot was just two-and-a-half when she was killed in her own home by Kevin Park.

It was Easter Sunday and her mum, Annemarie, had gone out for the afternoon, leaving Park in sole charge of her daughter.

At some point he lost his temper and inflicted 65 separate injuries on her little body, including a fractured skull, tears to her liver and bruising to her head and body.

Park claimed she had fallen off a bed, but the court was told her injuries were consistent with her being swung against a wall.

He denied murder, but a jury delivered a unanimous guilty verdict and he was sentenced to life in prison.

Madison’s murder was one of three violent child deaths to rock Fife in early 2014.

In January that year, three-year-old Mikaeel Kular was killed by his mother Rosdeep, who then stuffed his lifeless body in a suitcase and hid it in woodland in Kirkcaldy. Three months later, twoyear-old Liam Fee suffered a horrific death at his Thornton home.

Significan­t, independen­t reviews were ordered into all three cases and Liam’s is ongoing.

His mother, Rachel Trelfa, and her civil partner, Nyomi Fee, have appealed from prison against the life sentences imposed on them after they were convicted of his murder.

Rosdeep Kular is serving an 11-year sentence for culpable homicide after she battered her son for being sick and failed to seek medical help when he was clearly seriously unwell.

Although Mikaeel had spent several months in foster care before being returned to his mother, the review into his case concluded his death could not have been predicted and absolved social work staff of any blame.

 ??  ?? Liam Fee was killed at the family home in Thornton.
Liam Fee was killed at the family home in Thornton.

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