The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Boy given 11-year term for stabbing teacher


A 14-year-old stabbed his teacher and then boasted about it in a “sick” Facebook post which was “liked” by 69 people.

The reaction to the boy’s Facebook message, posted after the racially motivated attack on Vincent Uzomah at Dixons Kings Academy, in Bradford, was described as an “appalling reflection” of society by Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC.

The teenager was handed an 11-year extended sentence at Bradford Crown Court after he admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent to the teacher.

Judge Durham Hall criticised the response to the post on the social media site.

He said: “It’s an appalling reflection on a small microcosm of our society that within minutes or hours after posting, 69 people ‘liked’. How sick.”

Judge Durham Hall described the attack as “utterly shocking” and told the boy he had “deliberate­ly and callously” stabbed his teacher.

He said: “You went to your school armed with a knife with a significan­t blade intending, when the opportunit­y presented, to stab your teacher Vincent Uzomah. You boasted about it before, you boasted about it after when you had stabbed him.”

He told the boy, who sat in the dock with his arms folded and yawned continuous­ly throughout the sentencing, he “stabbed him deliberate­ly then gloated in the presence of your classmates”.

The court heard the attack, on June 11, was racially motivated.

The 11-year extended sentence includes six years in custody and a further five years on licence. The teenager will serve half of the six years before being released on licence.

 ??  ?? Mr Uzomah with his wife Uduak.
Mr Uzomah with his wife Uduak.

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