The Chronicle (UK)

Fans can be our 12th man, says new coach


- By CLIVE YOULTON Football writer

SUNDERLAND’S fans can make the difference between winning and losing according to Regis Le Bris who is relishing the energy provided by the supporters as “the 12th man”.

Now settling into his new role as head coach at the Stadium of Light, the Frenchman spoke passionate­ly about his intentions to “build the foundation­s” at the club.

Meeting those supporters was a big thing for Le Bris when he spoke to them at the club shop recently and he reckoned: “I like the feeling of the fans because I think we can play with 12 players if they are with us and if they understand our commitment, our style of play and desire to win.

“Having the chance to get very close to the fans [at the shirt launch] was interestin­g. It’s not difficult for me. I was in the stands when I was young, I like football and like the fans and the way they can enjoy the game so for me it was an interestin­g moment.”

He believes the club is a strong one and his own experience­s in the game will help him cope in what is a pressurise­d job.

“I experience­d many problems, strengths also,” he said. “Here, with the owner, with the sporting director, they are very clear on the way they want to pilot the club.

“And the whole organisati­on is strong. They are very clear in their goals, so for me really, that was the first step. We also need to be very clear about the identity of the club, how we go together and how we are going to achieve our goals, these are very clear.

“After that, another layer, if I can say it like that, is we have the team, we have the coaching staff, we have staff around the team, who are very well organised. For me as a coach if we have this structure we can train, we can express our strength, the whole team, the identity and it provides a high strength.” Getting the team to play with fluency and style is his aim but when asked how quickly that might happen he added: “I don’t know, it’s still hard to say. The main part to assess will be in the games, that’s the first step. Then in the camp in Spain we have another game. It depends on many things.

“I want to feel the energy we have as a team and then after we will have many problems as the opponent can be strong and better than us but if the mentality is good, it’s the first step to improve the game, solve problems and win the games.”

Recruitmen­t is key and he continued: “I am comfortabl­e with the process, right now. We don’t know the results because it’s part of our work, it’s very complex.

“Of course the team is young but the two previous seasons, young players 19, 20, 21 they gained some experience. It’s useful for the next seasons.

“We are thinking about one or two more experience­d players who have Championsh­ip experience, who have a high level in the way they train, the way of playing, to pilot the team during the game for example.

“These players could be young, could be older, we still have all these ideas in our brains. Then we have the loan market, we will work with the opposition and we will have a good team in the end.

“We have meetings every day about the team. The club wants to understand my way, how I can assess the players, with older players. They bring me informatio­n and we work together.”


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