The Chronicle

Sandwich generation

Dietitian Nigel Denby gives JAMES MOORE the lowdown on one of Britain’s favourite foods


PEAK picnic season is here, with the humble sarnie still the nation’s favourite packed lunch.

Brits put away an incredible 11.5 billion sandwiches a year, but what are the pros and cons of some of the most popular fillings? Dietitian Nigel Denby has put together this bite-sized guide:


This is a good source of calcium for healthy bones. But be mindful of the salt and saturated fat content, which can easily send a sarnie’s stats soaring above that bag of crisps you’re probably also enjoying with your lunch.


Eggs are nature’s complete protein, containing all of your essential amino acids. They are also packed full of other important nutrients like iron and fat-soluble vitamins. Always a great choice.


While this is a good source of protein, it’s pretty high in salt and low in vitamins and minerals, so not as good as lean beef or fish.


Prawns are low in fat, yet they are often given a bad rap for containing cholestero­l. But the amount in shellfish has almost zero impact on your own blood cholestero­l, so there’s no need to worry about choosing it for your sandwich.


Lean beef provides plenty of iron, which helps take care of healthy blood supplies. Iron is one of the key minerals that many people are lacking, so this is an easy way to top up your stores.


Packed with protein and omega-3 fatty acids (a type of fat that’s actually good for your cholestero­l levels and heart), one serving a week will give you all the omega-3s you’ll need – canned, smoked and fresh are all good.


This used to count towards your omega-3 intake, but more recently we have discovered the levels of this essential fatty acid aren’t high enough in tinned tuna for it to count. Canned salmon, sardines and pilchards are much better.


Bacon is guaranteed to add a good deal of salt to your sarnie with little added benefit of vitamins and minerals – fine for an occasional treat but not daily.


Most sausages contain only small amounts of lean meat and plenty of fat, salt and fillers, so there’s very little health benefit to filling your sarnies up with them on a regular basis.


This white meat is one of the leanest protein sources around, plus it contains B vitamins, selenium and phosphorus, so it’s perfect for a lunchtime filler.

Eggs are nature’s complete protein, containing all of your essential amino acids


If you’re eating a vegetarian sarnie, make sure your filling contains some protein or you might find yourself feeling hungry again not long after lunch and snacking unhealthil­y. Hummus is a good option.

Six steps to making healthier sarnies 1 Right slice: Go for wholemeal bread or wraps. Heart Research UK says it has “more fibre and are higher in vitamins than the white equivalent”.

2 Pack the protein: Pick protein from lean sources like chicken and tuna or beans. It will keep you fuller for longer. 3 Get in the veg: Whether it’s adding lettuce and tomato to a BLT or choosing a ready-made sandwich with salad, veg will top up your vitamin, mineral and fibre levels. But do look out for high levels of saturated fat, salt and calories in processed plant-based sarnies.

4 Mind the mayo: According to the British Heart Foundation, a tablespoon (15g) serving of mayonnaise can contain around 100 calories and 11g of fat. You can buy ‘no-mayo’ versions of popular sandwiches in shops.

5 Choose wisely: Look out for caloriesav­ing options in stores and cafés. For instance, Pret has a slim chicken and avocado sandwich at just 240 calories. 6 Red alert: Eating too much processed red meat is linked to high blood pressure and a greater risk of bowel cancer.

 ?? ?? The UK munches a whopping 11.5 billion sarnies a year
The UK munches a whopping 11.5 billion sarnies a year
 ?? ?? Go wholemeal for health
Go wholemeal for health

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